Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hebrew Roots of the Lost Ten Tribes

Hebrew Roots of the Lost Ten Tribes

Rom 3:1  Then what advantage has the Jew? What is the value of being circumcised? Much in every way! In the first place, the Jews were entrusted with the very words of God. If some of them were unfaithful, so what? Does their faithlessness cancel God's faithfulness? 

The priesthood and kingship of Cohen Gadol and Melekh Y'shua haMoshiach is based on his authority as a Torah observant Rabbi. - if the authority of the House of Judah is removed, then so is his.

Were it not for Judah (Jews) we would NOT have had a Melekh Y'shua haMoshiach! Ephraim was SCATTERED, and NEVER RETURNED to HaShem and the Torah, but Judah was exiled to Babylon, and in a scant seventy years was MIRACULOUSLY restored to HaAretz Israel (the land of Israel) and entrusted with the duty of bringing Messiah into the world.

And consider this, again: it was predicted by Messiah that Jews would be dispersed, and they were; but AFTER 2000 years of Diaspora, they maintained Torah observance, they preserved the Hebrew texts, they recorded the Oral Torah to save it from extinction, they have provided mountains of commentary on Torah, they resurrected "Lashon HaKadosh", the Holy Language of Hebrew, they regained the Promised Land miraculously, and by and large have preserved their identity as the tribe of Judah, and all of this in the face of great and terrible opposition, especially from "Christians". If Ephraim is still at all identifiable (and this is debatable), he has NO SUCH CLAIM during his tenure outside of the Promised Land, and, using "two-house" logic that states that Ephraim is anyone who is a Christian, he is therefore guilty of many of the atrocities against Israel, the tribe of Messiah Yeshua.   

In nineteenth century England the British Israel movement emerged in the UK, which identified the English (and later, all western Europeans) as descendants of Israelites who had lost their Jewish identity. The foundational text of the movement was a work by John Wilson (?-1871) titled Lectures on Our Israelitish Origin, published in 1840.

In his Lectures on Our Israelitish Origin (1840), Wilson claimed that the British were the lineal descendants of the 'ten lost tribes' of the northern kingdom of Israel, whose religious election was illustrated by the increasing world dominion of the Anglo-Saxon and Celtic peoples. The British were deemed to be the descendants of Ephraim, while the settlers of North America sprang from Manasseh. - Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity, Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, pg. 235
From the beginning, British Israelism had a strongly Zionist bent, even at a time when the majority of the world’s Jews were either indifferent or opposed to Zionism: [1]
The Jews themselves were deemed heirs of the two tribes in the southern kingdom of Judah, whose destiny was linked to the British Israelites in a millennial vision of the future. The reuniting of All-Israel, a prerequisite of the Last Days, required that the ten tribes of Israel, namely the British, should once again join the descendants of the remaining tribes—that is, the Jews—in the Holy Land. Throughout the early twentieth century, the joint enterprise of the Anglo-Jewish resettlement of Palestine remained an important part of British-Israelite millennialism. – Ibid.
The British Israel movement proved highly influential on both sides of the Atlantic, finding followers among many politicians, church leaders, and even in the royal family itself, as Queen Victoria and later King George VI (father of Queen Elizabeth II) are said to have had British Israelist beliefs and sympathies.

Naturally, the British-Israelists were pleased by the Ottoman loss of Palestine and the preparations made to resettle Jews there:

When the British Army invaded Palestine in 1917, the famous Balfour Declaration was issued, promising that the British would facilitate the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jews. In 1922 British-Israelite prophecy seemed again confirmed when the League of Nations gave Britain a mandate to rule Palestine and secure that objective. - Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity, Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, pg. 238
However, many British Israelists were displeased at finding out that the objectives of the actual political Zionist movement (rather than the idealized Zionists of their fantasies) did not include sharing a state with their Anglo-Saxon Israelite “brothers”:
Once Zionism articulated its demand for an exclusively Jewish state, the withdrawal or expulsion of the British would imply that Palestine would be left with Judah but Israel would be absent. – Ibid.
This disappointment caused a backlash in many quarters of the British Israel movement. Once strongly Zionist and philo-Semitic, many British Israel ideologues, particularly in America, began devising theories accusing the Ashkenazi Jews of being impostor Israelites: Descendants of Esau in one theory, descendants of the Central Asian Khazars in another, and, in the most fanciful theory, descendants of an unholy union of Eve and Satan.

By 1957, when the “White Identity Church of Jesus Christ–Christian” (later to be more famously known as Aryan Nations) was established, the British Israel theory had taken on a distinctly anti-Semitic tone. British Israelism had become Christian Identity, which remains the most widespread form of White Supremacism in America.

Despite their history of anti-Semitism, white supremacists and related far-right elements have increasingly been moving away from rhetoric against Jews and focusing their hatred on Muslims instead. Taking a look at any popular white supremacist forum, one is likely to find a great deal more posts railing against “Eurabia”, “creeping shari’ah” and other Islamophobic red herrings than one is to find much discussion on Zionism and Jews. Granted, you will still find references to “Jewish bankers” and the like, but these topics have much less “red meat” for your modern bigot to sink his teeth into. One even finds anti-Semitic canards being transferred from Jews to Muslims, whether they fit or not, such as replacing the “Kol Nidre” (all vows) argument against the trustworthiness of Jews with the “taqiyya” libel against Muslims; or the identification of Islam as an ethnicity. Far-right parties in Europe are increasingly synthesizing their race-hatred of North African, Middle Easter, and South Asian immigrants with a rabid Zionism. While these parties are not Christian Identity in nature, their demagogic leaders receive accolades from many on “white nationalist”forums with heavy Christian Identity presence, such as Stormfront.

It is not unlikely that a great number of Christian Identity believers and those attracted to it could be swayed to the more traditional Zionist form of British Israelism, given the high praise many are willing to give to Zionist extremists for opposing Muslims. Increasingly, these people are calling Muslims “the main enemy”, while Zionists are only seen as a “minor enemy”. But just as David Duke, for the sake of political expediency, dropped Catholics from the list of the Klan’s enemies during his tenure as Grand Wizard, it seems a small step from “minor enemy” to “no enemy”, and on from there to “ally”.

Dr. Navras Jaat Aafreedi
Author of the book (ebook) The Indian Jewry and the Self-Professed 'Lost Tribes of Israel' in India, 2006, Lucknow (India) based Dr. Navras Jaat Aafreedi is a Researcher in Indo-Judaic Studies. He earned his Ph.D. from the Department of Medieval & Modern Indian History, University of Lucknow in 2005, followed by post-doctorate from the Graduate School of Historical Studies, Tel Aviv University in 2007, supported by a scholarship from the Israeli Government and a supplementary grant from the Tel Aviv University. 
His interest in Jewish History was triggered by the fact that the Afridi tribe he comes from, has been identified by many Jewish and Muslim scholars, from the medieval to the modern times, with Ephraim, one of the ten lost tribes of Israel. There is also a centuries-old tradition of Israelite origin that has lived on in his people, the Pathans/Pashtuns/Pakhtuns.

Straddling the boundaries between Afghanistan, Pakistan and Kashmir lives the world's largest tribal grouping—the Pathans. All of the 15 million Pathans, who comprise some 60 tribes, claim descent from Kish, an ancestor of the Biblical King Saul. Many of them also claim to be them children of the Lost Israelites. The Pathans perform circumcision of the eighth day, wear a fringed garment similar to the Jewish tzizit, light candles on Friday nights and observe food taboos similar to the laws of Kashrut. [2]

In South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, tens of thousands of blacks have, in recent years, declared themselves descendants of one of the Lost Tribes. The Lemba claim to have been cut off from mainstream Judaism hundreds of years ago. They are well-versed in the Old Testament and avoid marriage outside their community. From every imaginable corner of the world theories arise linking different peoples and tribes with the Ten Lost Tribes: the Crimea, the Caucasus, Kenya, Nigeria, Armenia, Persia, Central Asia, North Siberia, West Africa, Peru, South America, Australia, Ireland. While the evidence may at times seem flimsy, the Jewish elements in these tribal cultures continue to fascinate scholar and layman alike. 

Members of the Lemba tribe.


Daber: in Hebrew, to speak.
Daberu: Japanese for chatting.

Goi: a non-Hebrew or foreigner.
Gai'Jeen: prefix for a foreigner, a non-Japanese.

Kor: cold in Hebrew.
Koru: to freeze in Japanese.

Knesset: Parliament in Hebrew.
Kensei: Constitutional government in Japanese.

These are among the thousands of words and names of places with no real etymological meaning in Japanese. And they all correspond with Hebrew words. Even the Kings have similar names. The first known king of Japan, who was named Osee, ruled around 730 BC. This king has been identified with the last king of Israel, Hoshea, who died around the same time, at the time of the Assyrian exile of the ten tribes from Israel. The holy Japanese shinto temple strongly recalls the ancient holy Isrealite temple, which housed a holy of holies section and several gates. Several artifacts in Japan have been traced to Assyrian and Jewish sources, among them, a well in Koryugi with the words "well of Israel" inscribed on its side.

It has also been suggested that the carts of Otsu and Kyoto are of ancient biblical origin, as they are different from any others in Japan. Might the ancient Israelites and their wives and children have been conveyed to Japan in these carts? Among the Samurai sect, there is a tradition that their ancient ancestors came to Japan from western Asia around 660 BC.The name 'Samurai' recalls 'Samaria'. And to which tribe do the Japanese belong? There are those who claim that the Mikado, the Japanese emperor, is a descendant of the Hebrew tribe of Gad. 'Mikado' recalls the Hebrew word for 'his majesty the king,' 'Malchuto'. 

Japanese illustration depicting the raft on which the ancient Israelites crossed over to Japan.
Beta Israel-Ethiopia

Ethiopian women with qita, unleavened bread baked for passover.

In the latter part of the twelfth century, a legend appeared which persisted for several centuries and reached Egypt, Palestine and Europe. According to this legend, a Christian priest named Prester John ruled as monarch over a vast and wealthy Christian Empire. According to many traditions, Ethiopia was the land of the powerful Prester John's kingdom, as well as the home of the ten lost tribes. Persistent rumor had it that these African Israelite kingdoms were at constant war with Prester John, and that their armies were advancing on Rome. [3]

Who are these African-Jewish tribesmen so central to the Prester John legend? These are the Ethiopian Jews known both as Falashas, the Amharic word for landless, wandering Jews, and as Beta Israel, the house of Israel. In Ethiopia, they engaged primarily in agriculture, but were known also for their exquisite crafts and jewelry. Today, most of the Beta Israel live in the state of Israel. In the 1970's and 80's, the Israeli government airlifted thousands of Ethiopian Jews to Israel, rescuing them from political and economic distress.

According to one tradition, the Ethiopian Jews are the descendants of one of the ten tribes, as their religion is an ancient form of biblical Judaism. Their religious practices are prescribed by the Orit, the Torah translated into their Gez dialect. They possess none of the post-biblical laws. Over the centuries, the Beta Israel have been connected with the tribe of Dan. This association has eased the process of their return to the state of Israel in recent times.

The Scottish missionary Rev. Thomas Torrance in China, 1920s. Torrance claimed the Chiang-Min of West Szechuan were descendants of the ancient Israelites.

Chiang-Min China

"Behold, These are coming from afar. These from the north and the west and these from the land of Sinim." This prophecy, spoken by Isaiah, promised the return of Lost Israelites from all corners of the Earth and from Sinim. Interestingly, Sinim is the Hebrew word for China. In fort-like villages in the high mountain ranges on the Chinese-Tibetan border live the Chiang-Min of West Szechuan. It has been claimed that the Chiang-Min are descendants of the ancient Israelites who arrived in China several hundred years before Christ.

The missionary Torrance, who visited Cheng-du in the early party of this century, insisted that the Chiang-Min strongly resemble the Israelite branch of the Semitic race. He observed that several of their customs were reminiscent of ancient Israelite tradition. Said Torrance: "The plough the Chiang use is similar to the ancient Israelite plough and is drawn by two oxen, never by an ox and an ass. This in accordance with the Biblical stipulation: 'You shall not plough with an ox and ass together.'" The Chaing-Min believe in one God. During "times of calamity or acute distress," writes Torrance, "they issue a moan or cry which sounds like 'Yawei', suggestive of the biblical name of God. The Scottish missionary also claims that the Chinese conception of Sacrifice came from the ancient Israelites.

Finally, Chiang-Min priests, like the ancient Israelite priests, wear girdles to bind their robes, and bear a sacred rod shaped like a serpent, reminiscent of the brass serpent fashioned by Moses in the wilderness. 
Brit-Am Israel: Modern British Israelism from a Rabbinical Jewish Perspective
"White-supremacist doctrine?"
Since the early nineties, an Israeli Rabbi named[4] Yair Davidy, founder of the Brit-Am Movement of the Ten Tribes, has been working to revive British Israel doctrine. His teachings are in the philo-Semitic and Zionist spirit of the original movement, but differ in that they he is an Orthodox Jew (while the original movement was a thoroughly Protestant affair), and strongly opposes any attempt to convert Jews to Christianity (which the early British Israelists assumed would happen as a matter of course). His teachings are mostly a rehash of nineteenth century British Israel thought: the “ten lost tribes” of Israel settled in Western Europe, becoming the forefathers of the white people of Western Europe and America. But whereas the original British Israel movement was largely unconcerned with Islam, Brit-Am Israel is intensely anti-Islamic. Rabbi Davidy refers to Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) as a “madman”, states that Muslims hate all Israelites (he chalks Muslim hostility to western imperial powers are coming from hostility towards their “Israelite” descent), encourages the “Lost Tribes” (white Europeans and Americans) to start colonies in Syria, Lebanon, and surrounding nations, advocates asmass expulsion of all Palestinians to a western nation (possibly Brazil, for some reason), “for their own good”.

Davidy is not well-known at this time, but his synthesis of a white-supremacist doctrine which identifies western European and American white people as chosen by God to lead the world, mixed with militant and fanatical anti-Islamic, Zionist rhetoric, is likely to reverberate with many people on the racist right, especially young people who have developed racist ideals, but for whom “the enemy” has always been Muslims and who see Zionists as liked-minded individuals of the same struggle. I can see Islamophobic young men and women, filled with a newfound sense of Israelite identity and entitlement to the land of Palestine, traveling to the Middle East to form the colonies (and, most likely, armed militias) that Davidy proposes. The identification of western European and American whites with the descendants of the Israelites (and thus, in Zionist parlance “rightful owners” of the land of Palestine) is an incendiary and irresponsible ideology which synthesizes the worst elements of Talmudic Zionist racism with White Supremacism, and one which, if it gains any amount of influence, can only breed violence.


Replacement Heresy
There are many forms of Replacement Theology. We wont go into much detail here.[5] In essence however, any teaching or movement (including the Two House/Armstrong Church of God spin-off sects) that claims to have replaced Israel as the Elect falls into this category. Some Nicene Christian denominations claim to have replaced the Jews directly (the Catholic Church, Jehovah's Witness etc) while others are more subtle, claiming that only those who "accept Jesus" according to their understandings are "true Jews" or "spiritual Israel." If you take nothing else from lessons, understand that HaShem is ONE and that Judaism has not and will never be replaced by anyone. To claim the Jews have been replaced is to call HaShem a liar because He said: "For I am Adonai, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed" -- Malachi 3:6 and "God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him -- Genesis 17:19.

    Two House Theory: The anti-Torah doctrine that the "Ten Lost Houses of Israel" (taken together as the "House of Ephraim") takes precedence over the remaining House of Judah (composed of Judah and Benjamin: i.e. the Jews).
    Advocates of this heresy usually identify "the House of Ephraim" as White Europeans (especially those of the British Isles). Based on this error they believe themselves to be "true Israel" ("Spiritual Israel" etc) and inevitably promote anti-Semitic versions of replacement theologies. This heresy gained "legs" under the Nicene Christian sect known as the World Wide Church of God and the teachings of Garner Ted Armstrong (February 9, 1930 – September 15, 2003).
As usual, consulting the Bible overpowers false doctrine.

    (4) Rabbis on the Spot and in the Spotlight /
    (5) Rabbi Yochanan Levine

Images: (1-3) Maxima New Media; (4) New York Public Library; (5-6,8) Jewish National and University Library; (7) Cicada Films; (9-10) Beth Hatefutsoth exhibition and catalogue "Beyond the Sambatyon: The Myth of the Ten Lost Tribes", Tel Aviv, Summer 1991.   

Monday, April 23, 2012

PaRDeS and the Two Sticks The Two Sticks Prophecy of Ezekiel 37 on All Four Levels Debunked

"PaRDeS and the Two Sticks
The Two Sticks Prophecy of Ezekiel 37 on All Four Levels"

"Yair Davidy has written three books under the Rabbinic approbation of Orthodox Israeli Rabbi Abraham Feld.  These are The Tribes; Ephraim and Lost Israelite Identity.  Yair Davidy's thoroughly documented research has shown that the Lost Ten Tribes, which had been transplanted to the outskirts of Assyria came to be known as the Sakeans (they were previously known as Yitzakheans or in Aramaic Isakeans). These Sakeans are known to have migrated northwest and made their way into Europe to become the Scythians (S'kitheans) and Saxons (Saksons). Davidy's research has shown that other tribal groups of the Lost Ten Tribes also emerged in Europe under names similar to those of the Tribe of Israel, such as: Galics (Galileans); Danes (Dans); Cimereans (Simeons); Goths/Gots (Gads "Gad" is pronounced in Hebrew as "God")." James S Trimm [sic]  From:

"Rabbi David Feld told us that he is not associated with "Ten Triber" movements and he was unaware that his homepage was welcoming them.

On May 1st, Jewish Israel contacted Rabbi David Feld, President of the Maccabee Institute, to express our concerns and to discuss any connections he may have with recent Christian attempts at aliyah.

Rabbi David Feld was very attentive and concerned. He told this writer that he has met with members of the Hebraic roots movement and that he originally thought the Ten Tribers/ Ephramites were Noahides, but he now realizes the dangers involved.

Rabbi David Feld told us that he is not associated with "Ten Triber" movements and he was unaware that his homepage was welcoming them. He assured us that any confusing links and references on the Macabee Institute site would be removed.  Rabbi David Feld reiterated that he is adamantly opposed to missionary activity and believes that there should be clear lines drawn between Judaism and Christianity.  However, he does support upstanding, moral non-Jews who are seeking to learn more about the Noahide Laws.

Discovering Hebraic Roots or Just Digging In?
"Generally  it can be said that the "Ephraimite," "Restoration of Israel", "Two House" or "Ten Triber" movements are Christian messianic sub-sects. The adherents of these sects, sometimes referred to as "Joes"– for the house of Joseph, or "Northern Kingdom Israelites", consider themselves grafted-in to the Jewish root through Jesus. They believe that the Land of Israel is their eternal inheritance to share with “their brother Judah”( the Jews) as co-heirs under a new covenant governed by jesus. Many, but not all, of these cults promote the idea that certain "born-again", “Christian Zionist” sectors of the church are part of the “lost tribes” and actual blood descendants of the ancient Israelites."
The Hebraic Roots movement was at one time considered fringe, but it is gaining popularity, with respected publications, such as the Jerusalem Post Christian Edition, which has featured articles on the subject.
According to a recent video produced by missionary Christine Darg, who is closely affiliated with the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus and the International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem (ICEJ), "The Hebrew Roots movement strongly emphasizes the completion of the unified House of Israel in jesus christ, who's known in Hebrew as 'yeshua'.  And this commonwealth of Israel is made up of Jews and non-Jews alike – what the apostle Paul called 'the one new man'."  Darg goes on to say that "Adoption and engrafting into a commonwealth of Israel has now made it the right of every born-again believer in the messiah to participate in the lifestyle of the Jewish people.”
Not wanting to aggravate their burgeoning relationship with certain authentic, albeit confused, Jewish rabbis ( as opposed to Christian rabbis), some members of these Hebraic Roots cults skirt or deemphasize the man-god aspect of their beliefs and toy with semantics, while continuing to emphasize jesus as their messiah.  The following excerpt from the watchmen of Israel site illustrates this play on words.
Again, it's important to note that regardless of the linguistic gymnastics, the Restoration of Israel movement remains christ centered and intent on settling in Israel.
So now that Israel has embraced and uncorked christian messianic fervor and has opened the gates to ardent  jesus enthusiasts and evangelizing lovers of Israel,  how do we Jews put the jesus  genie back in bottle,  without destroying the positive aspects of Israel's alliance with non-proselytizing Christians who take a moral stand with the Jewish state?
Rabbis on the Spot and in the Spotlight
In this report series, Jewish Israel previously noted that Knesset MK Lia Shemtov had reportedly told Arutz 7 that the group of Christian wannabe Jewish settlers "is being supervised by an Israeli rabbi." 
Perhaps this particular rabbi is one of a number of scholars and teachers who are or have been involved with Hebraic Roots ventures. He could be affiliated with thenascent Sanhedrin or with the Temple Institute, as rabbis from both of these organizations have been in contact with evangelical missionaries, Ephramites, and messianic leaders. Those encounters, including some admitted mistakes, have been part and parcel of efforts to develop the foundations of the burgeoning Noahide movement.
But when it comes to the Hebraic roots movement and attempts at the "reunification"of the Gentile "lost tribes" with their Jewish "brothers", Rabbi Avraham Feld, of Kol HaTor and Yair Davidy, of Brit Am, are certainly front and center. 
While researching for this report, Jewish Israel was surprised to see the Maccabee Institute, a charity organization, whose purpose is to fight assimilation and promote Jewish heritage, mentioned as supporters of Brit Am, an organization which "avoids the discussion of religious differences" between Jew and Gentile members of the "Lost Ten Tribes" and envisions Jewish and Gentile reunification and co-inheritance of the land of Israel.
The Maccabee Institute, located in Israel, is headed by Rabbi Avraham Feld and by Rabbi David Feld. They have been consistent and firm supporters of Brit-Am Israel from the beginning.  
Sure enough, when we went to the American Friends of The Maccabee Institute website we found this headline:
"We appreciate the awakening of our long lost brothers and sisters of Ten Israel !!!!
We are dedicated to informing Judah of this remarkable, sensational and long-awaited happening !!!!
We have some activities ‘on the ground‘ to help encourage, further and promote the
reconcilliation of the Tribes . All of this with mutural respect and patience .
We favor practical, loving and halachic ways to achieve a new and renewed connection between."
On May 1st, Jewish Israel contacted Rabbi David Feld, President of the Maccabee Institute, to express our concerns and to discuss any connections he may have with recent Christian attempts at aliyah.
Rabbi David Feld was very attentive and concerned. He told this writer that he has met with members of the Hebraic roots movement and that he originally thought the Ten Tribers/ Ephramites were Noahides, but he now realizes the dangers involved.
Rabbi David Feld told us that he is not associated with "Ten Triber" movements and he was unaware that his homepage was welcoming them. He assured us that any confusing links and references on the Macabee Institute site would be removed.  Rabbi David Feld reiterated that he is adamantly opposed to missionary activity and believes that there should be clear lines drawn between Judaism and Christianity.  However, he does support upstanding, moral non-Jews who are seeking to learn more about the Noahide Laws.
A few weeks after the above conversation took place, the linked reference to the Ten Triber movement on the the American Friends of The Maccabee Institute homepage was removed.  Nevertheless, the existing page content remains. 
A day after that conversation, a very anxious Rabbi Avraham Feld, Rabbi David Feld's brother and founder of Kol ha Tor, contacted this writer.

Deprogramming the Church with a Smile
Rabbi Avraham Feld was very concerned that any report on the subject of recent attempts at Christian aliyah should not jeopardize his efforts. Throughout our conversation, he kept stressing the importance of showing a friendly and welcoming face to these gentiles. He confirmed that that "Ten Israel (Ten Tribers) are goyim" and that the Ephramites are "a confused group."
Rabbi Avraham Feld said that he knows Baruch Abrahamovich well and has presented him with a friendly face in order to neutralize his Christian pagan beliefs.  He personally gave Abrahamovich counter-missionary books in Russian. He says that Abrahamovich understands that he can't seek residency in Israel until he and his group "grow" in their understanding of Judaism.  Feld would not classify Abrahamovich as a "Christian", even though he still believes in jesus. Feld said Abrahamovich is evolving in the Hebraic Roots movement.
When asked about the wide and perplexing publicity that the aliyah scheme was receiving, Rabbi Avraham Feld   said that Avrahamovich went to the media with the story in the hope of getting the ball rolling on the aliyah idea, but that the media sensationalized and distorted the story.  With regards to Knesset Member Lea Shemtov, Rabbi Feld feels that  the Yisrael Beiteinu Party used the opportunity as a publicity stunt.

Jewish Israel feels that Rabbi Avraham Feld's efforts with messianic sects have gone beyond friendship.
Like his brother, Rabbi Avraham Feld  was unaware of some of the problematic offerings written on his website such as:
 He was unaware that "Kol HaTor" is listed on the toolbar of "Destination Yisra'el", a 10 Triber site which claims an association with Kol HaTor.
This writer did not receive a direct answer in our phone conversation with Rabbi Avraham Feld to the following question: "Until these people have abandoned a belief in jesus, is it right to encourage their attempts at 'reconciliation' with Judaism and efforts towards aliyah?"
However, a very passionate, prophetic and, ironically, shortsighted article by Rabbi Avraham Feld can be found on the Kol HaTor site. Rabbi Avraham Feld feels that the Lost 10 Tribes will be returning to Israel with their idols and that we need to embrace them and their religious process as they return to "Halachic Torah Judaism". 
Rabbi Feld repeatedly emphasized that he uses the Hebraic Roots movement as a means of getting people out of church and away from paganism. Indeed Rabbi Avraham Feld has enjoyed a reputation as an effective counter-missionary and cult-buster. But it seems that in his enthusiasm and grandiose ambition to deprogram the church, he may have forgotten how vulnerable and spiritually bereft his own people are in the predominately secular state of Israel. Even our prominent Torah observant leaders are increasingly susceptible to growing Christian influence.
Is it appropriate, permissible, or wise for a Torah observant rabbi like Avraham Feld or a not-so observant entrepreneur like Anne Ayalon, wife of Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon, to encourage zealous fundamentalist Christians to connect to "the Land where Jesus walked", whether it be for spiritual or commercial purposes?  Is it sound thinking or insanity for Israel's Knesset members to open the aliyah gates to a mass influx of members of "evolving" jesus cults? Are we Israelis playing with fire and jeopardizing our heritage and inheritance? 
Surely we're capable of showing "a friendly face", promoting tourism and generating support for Israel among gentiles without selling our birthright to those who think Prince William and his bride Kate are Israelites who have inherited the Davidic dynasty.

A Statement from Rabbi Sholom Gold
In lieu of our findings, Jewish Israel's rabbinic director, Rabbi Dr. Sholom Gold, has issued the following statement regarding involvement with the Hebraic Roots movement:
"For a Jew, any Jew, to encourage devout Christians to explore the so-called Hebraic roots of Christianity or to advance any movement associating Christians with the lost 10 tribes is nothing short of playing with fire.  It shouldn't be done in the name of interfaith reconciliation, as an attempt to second-guess biblical prophecy, or as a means to encourage tourism, commerce and/ or settlement in Eretz Yisrael.  It is the height of irresponsibility and deception for a Torah observant scholar or rabbi to engage in such endeavors. One wonders if such spiritual leaders have lost their grounding and are perhaps suffering from a type of messianic complex."

Some Sanity from an Ex-Messianic
Jewish Israel recognizes that there are indeed non-Jews and lost Jews who are searching for the truth that authentic Torah Judaism has to offer. We feel these individuals should be compassionately and wisely assisted, rather than frantically pursued by those stumbling on an ungrounded, prophetic trip. We know that there are wise and discerning members of the Jewish nation who understand the conversion process and the personal anguish involved in such a journey. Penina Taylor, author and director of Shomrei Emet is such a person.
Penina offered some good, practical advice on how to curb Christian messianic aliyah fever. She suggested that government officials and organizations, such asNefesh B'Nefesh and the Jewish Agency, employ specialists in the counter-missionary field who can  review applications and conduct interviews in cases where attempts at Christian or messianic aliyah are suspect.
Rabbis and rabbinical institutions dealing with conversion candidates should also turn to counter-missionary professionals who understand the semantics involved. As an example, Penina said that many messianics will find room to renounce jesus as messiah, because the name "jesus" has a pagan non-Jewish connotation, but they'll continue believe in him as yeshua hamashiach, the Jewish messiah.
We asked Penina what her views were on those with counter-missionary and kiruv experience who feel we need to first and foremost show a friendly face and lovingly embrace those who are immersed in the Christian messianic movements.  Penina responded as follows:
"While love is an extremely important aspect of bringing Jewish people back to Judaism, love alone is not sufficient. They must be made to understand that what they have embraced is not compatible with Torah-true Judaism. For Christians who want to become a part of the Jewish people, it is even more critical for them to first make the commitment to abandon their idolatrous ways before being welcomed into the fold and family of Israel."

Jewish Israel will be sending all three segments of this report series, in Hebrew, to MK Lia Shemtov and to other members of the Yisrael Beitenu faction, Likud MK Danny Danon, the State Comptroller, and a number of leading rabbinic figures. SOURCE:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tribe Seekers Gone Wild

Advice for Tribe Seekers
Immerse yourself in the TaNaCH. Follow the example of the Bereans in Acts 17:11 and Ezra in Ezra 7:10. They both diligently studied and searched the TaNaCH to know for themselves the truth of Scripture. They were not content to know Scripture in a second hand manner. 

For example of Allegorizing Scripture
According to Obadiah 1:20 the House of Israel would migrate to a place called Tzarfat... this is the Hebrew word for "France" in fact Rashi's commentary on Obadiah 1:20 says that this refers to France. These "Gauls" were GAL-aeens who had been exiled by the Assyrians to the land north of Assyria, As they passed through the area known now as Turkey they created a colony there called GAL-atia. If one compares the openning of James and 1Kefa there is an obvious parallel. One will notice that "the twelve tribes scattered among the nations" in James is said in 1Kefa to include "Galatia". – Jtrimm
20 And the captivity of this host of the children of Yisra’el, that are among the
Kena’anites, even unto Tzarfat, and the captivity of Yerushalayim, that is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the South. (Obadiah 1:20 HRV)

From this passage we learn that remnants of the House of Judah would find themselves in exile in “Sepharad” (Spain) but remnants of the House of Israel would find themselves in exile in “Tzarfat” (France).

In Ancient times France came to be inhabited by the Gauls who had migrated from an area just north of the Assyrian Empire across Europe to the area we know today as France. The HRV appendix map 1 shows the Ancient World as known to the Hebrews. You will see the land we know today as France was Gaul. These Gauls were also known as Celts... they migrated across the English channel into the Brittish isles... thus the Celts spoke "Gealic". According to Obadiah 1:20 the House of Israel would migrate to a place called Tzarfat... this is the Hebrew word for "France" in fact Rashi's commentary on Obadiah 1:20 says that this refers to France. These "Gauls" were GAL-aeens who had been exiled by the Assyrians to the land north of Assyria, As they passed through the area known now as Turkey they created a colony there called GAL-atia. If one compares the openning of James and 1Kefa there is an obvious parallel. One will notice that "the twelve tribes scattered among the nations" in James is said in 1Kefa to include "Galatia".

So the “stammering lips and with a strange tongue” (Is. 28:11) that Ephraim would hear in the captivity is “Tzarfati” (French). Paul makes a wordplay by citing this verse to show that it would be a great sign when Ephraim would be spoken to with TZARUF (or TZARFAT).  Tongues and Ephraim Posted by James Trimm on June 8, 2011
 James Scott Trimm Yair Davidy has written three books under the Rabbinic approbation of Orthodox Israeli Rabbi Abraham Feld. These are The Tribes; Ephraim and Lost Israelite Identity. Yair Davidy's thoroughly documented research has shown that the Lost Ten Tribes, whichhad been transplanted to the outskirts of Assyria came to be known as the Sakeans (they were previously known as Yitzakheans or in Aramaic Isakeans). These Sakeans are known to have migrated northwest and made their way into Europe to become the Scythians (S'kitheans) and Saxons (Saksons). Davidy's research has shown that other tribal groups of the Lost Ten Tribes also emerged in Europe under names similar to those of the Tribe of Israel, such as: Galics (Galileans); Danes (Dans); Cimereans (Simeons); Goths/Gots (Gads "Gad" is pronounced in Hebrew as "God"). 
 See related link:

Allegorical interpretations of Scripture – Allegorizing Scripture occurs when one applies a meaning to a passage of Scripture that the original author never intended. In other words according to shearim, these men are making things up with no referenced professionals or with citations of authorities from Israeli scientists.
"Once I had a look into one of these "famous" books at the Machlis home and, as I expected, Davidy's book didn't have any kind of recommendation, as Jewish religious books usually have. In other words, Davidy (who I have never ever seen at the famous Jewish National Library in Jerusalem) is making up his own thoughts on the tribes. Without any research and discussions with real professional Rabbis or Scientists." [sic]

The priesthood and kingship of Cohen Gadol and Melekh Y'shua haMoshiach is based on his authority as a Torah observant Rabbi. - if the authority of the House of Judah is removed, then so is his.” ***

Obadiah 1:19 And [the inhabitants of] the southland shall inherit the mountain of Esau, and [the inhabitants of] the plain, the Philistines, and they shall inherit the field of Ephraim and the field of Samaria, and Benjamin [with the inhabitants of] Gilead.
And [the inhabitants of] the southland shall inherit: Israel, who were dwelling in the south of Eretz Israel, shall inherit the mountain of Esau, which is at the southern boundary; and the people of the plain shall inherit the land of the Philistines and Mt. Ephraim and Mt. Shomeron.
and Benjamin with [the inhabitants of] Gilead: And the children of Manasseh, whose territory was the land of Gilead, shall spread beyond the borders of Eretz Israel on the east.
Obadiah 1:20  And this exiled host of the children of Israel who are [with] the Canaanites as far as Zarephath and the exile of Jerusalem which is in Sepharad shall inherit the cities of the southland.
And this exiled host: Heb. הַחֵל. Jonathan renders: This people. הַחֵל, An expression of a host. Cf. (Isa. 36:2) “And he came (sic) to Jerusalem with an army (חֵיל) of a great multitude,” which deals with Rabshakeh, only that this one is missing a “yud.” It is also possible to explain גָלֻת הַחֵל as “the exile of this valley.”
who are [with] the Canaanites as far as Zarephath: The exile which is of the children of Israel who were exiled from the ten tribes to the land of the Canaanites as far as Zarephath
and the exile of Jerusalem which is in Sepharad: who are of the people of Judah who were exiled to Sepharad - they shall inherit the cities of the southland, which are in the southern part of Eretz Israel. The exegetes claim that Zarephath is the kingdom called France in French.
Sepharad: Jonathan renders: Spain.

Obadiah says it was the northern boundary of Canaan (Obadiah 1:20). Originally Sidonian, the town passed to the Tyrians after the invasion of Shalmaneser IV, 722 BCE. It fell to Sennacherib in 701. In Hebrew after the Diaspora, the name Zarephath (צרפת, ts-r-f-t, Tsarfat) is used to mean France, perhaps because the Hebrew letters ts-r-f, if reversed, become f-r-ts.
In 713 BC Sargon stayed at home; his troops took, among others, Karalla, Tabal and Cilicia. Some Mede rulers offered tribute. In 711 BC, Gurgum was conquered. An uprising in the Philistine city of Ashdod, supported by JudahMoabEdom and Egypt, was suppressed, and Ashdod became an Assyrian province.
Under his rule, the Assyrians completed the defeat of the Kingdom of Israel, capturing Samaria after a siege of three years and exiling the inhabitants. This became the basis of the legends of the Lost Ten Tribes. According to the Bible, other people were brought to Samaria, theSamaritans, under his predecessor Shalmaneser V (2 Kings 18). Sargon's name actually appears in the Bible only once, at Isaiah 20:1, which records the Assyrian capture of Ashdod in 711 BC.

i.e.  Judean Diaspora in 70 CE by the Roman Empire. Note Sepharad, or Sefarad, or Sfard, is a biblical place name of uncertain location. It is mentioned only once in the Bible, in the Book of Obadiah Obadiah 1:20. There are, however, Persian inscriptions that refer to two places called "Saparda": one area in Media and another in Asia Minor. It is speculated that Sepharad could have been Sardis.
Since the period of Roman Antiquity, after the Peshitta of the 2nd century, Spanish Jews gave the name "Sepharad" to the Iberian peninsula.The descendants of Iberian Jews [Tribe of Judah] refer to themselves as Sephardi Jews [Tribe of Judah] (Hebrew, plural: Sephardim) and identify Spain as "Sepharad" in modern Hebrew.
See also: Torviso, Isidro Gonzalo Bango (2003). Remembering sepharad: Jewish culture in medieval Spain. Washington National Cathedral: State Corp. for Spanish Cultural Action Abroad. p. 10. ISBN 978-8496008274.

2Ki 17:18 so that ADONAI, by now very angry with Isra'el, removed them from his sight. None was left except the tribe of Y'hudah alone.
     2Ki 17:19 (However, neither did Y'hudah obey the mitzvot of ADONAI their God; rather they lived according to the customs of Isra'el.)
2Ki 17:20 Yes, ADONAI came to despise all the descendants of Isra'el. He caused them trouble and handed them over to plunderers, until finally he threw them out of his sight.

(Jeremiah 3:8) "And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also." Again, it does not say they ceased to exist.

In 713 BC Sargon stayed at home; his troops took, among others, Karalla, Tabal and Cilicia. Some Mede rulers offered tribute. In 711 BC, Gurgum was conquered. An uprising in the Philistine city of Ashdod, supported by JudahMoabEdom and Egypt, was suppressed, and Ashdod became an Assyrian province.
Under his rule, the Assyrians completed the defeat of the Kingdom of Israel, capturing Samaria after a siege of three years and exiling the inhabitants. This became the basis of the legends of the Lost Ten Tribes. According to the Bible, other people were brought to Samaria, theSamaritans, under his predecessor Shalmaneser V (2 Kings 18). Sargon's name actually appears in the Bible only once, at Isaiah 20:1, which records the Assyrian capture of Ashdod in 711 BC.

The Ten Northern Tribes of Israel are exiled from Eretz Israel and become known as "the Ten Lost Tribes." Despite all the speculation and imagination the most likely scenario is that these Israelite Houses were worked to death by the Assyrians (under king Sargon II) and/or intermarried with them and thus lost their ethnic and spiritual identity.
Note how this is worded: "Therefore the LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight: there was none left but the tribe of Judah only" (II Kings 17:18). It is noted by some that this text does not say HaShem had them destroyed but that they were moved out of his sight. Of these 10 houses we read: (Jeremiah 3:8) "And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also." Again, it does not say they ceased to exist.
This later led to the fall of Judah as well (see 606 BCE below). Some of these Northern Israelites may have escaped back to Judah as well. This experience was a culling of the people by HaShem and demonstrated the importance of loyalty to HaShem and His Torah. Adonai chose in favor of Judah and secured their continued existence as his Elect.
But HaShem will not forget these people forever. During the final Seven Years and into the Messianic Kingdom the Ten Houses will be reborn (Revelation 11:, Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 3:6-18; Hosea 1-3; Amos 9:8-10; Obadia 15-21; Micah 2:12-13; 5:3-15; Zechariah 8:13; 9 & 10; Ezekiel 34-37). Note that the 10 tribes are often referred to as "Ephraim" in Scripture. They went to "another land" ("Artzaret") according to non-extra-biblical book 2nd Ezra 11:39-46. There are many who believe these people traveled to Europe and became the main people groups there. I am not among those who believe this in part because the Europeans are mainly the descendants of Noah's son Japheth rather than of Shem (as are the Yahudaites (or Jews). I discuss this elsewhere in more detail. Nonetheless their eventual return does imply their continued existence "somewhere." Perhaps the Genome Project and similar research will shed more light on this subject. Source:

This is the Assyrian Lamassu at the Oriental Institute Museum at the University of Chicago.
Gypsum (?) Khorsabad, entrance to the throne room Neo-Assyrian Period, ca. 721-705 B.C. OIM A7369
This 40 ton statue was one of a two flanking the entrance to the throne room of King Sargon II. A protective spirit known as a lamassu, it is shown as a composite being with he head of a human, the body and ears of a bull, and the wings of a bird. When viewed from the side, the creature appears to be walking; when viewed from the front, to be standing still. Thus it is actually represented with five, rather than four legs.
Being approximately 2700 years old, copyright does not apply to this statue.
This colossal sculpture stands about sixteen feet high and weighs forty tons. It was one of many sculptures that guarded the entrance to the throne room of King Sargon II. A protective spirit known as a lamassu, it was shown as a composite being with the head of a human, the body and ears of a bull, and the wings of a bird.

Between 900-630 B.C. the kings of ancient Mesopotamia built great palaces filled with colossal stone reliefs such as this. These massive palaces reflected the power that these rulers wielded over an empire that stretched from Egypt to Iran. King Sargon II ruled Mesopotamia and much of the then-known world from his palace at Khorsabad in northern Iraq.
The Mesopotamians became empire-builders for a variety of reasons. They fought for security, believing that they could protect themselves by expanding into areas where threats might arise. They went to war for economic gain, taxing the peoples they conquered, collecting tribute in land and resources, and taking prisoners to serve as slave labor. Warfare was also justified on the grounds of religious beliefs. Conquest was considered the divine mission of the king, whose role was to bring more land, people, and goods under the jurisdiction of the national god, Ashur.

The "Two House" and "Replacement Theology" Heresies
In his Matthew 24 list of End Time prophecies Navi Y'shua spoke of the rise of false doctrines meant to deceive even the elect. This is one of those doctrines. The priesthood and kingship of Cohen Gadol and Melekh Y'shua haMoshiach is based on his authority as a Torah observant Rabbi. These heresies seek to deny the authority and position of the Jewish elders and even the significance of the House of Judah itself. As a Rabbi of the P'rushim, of the House of Judah, if the authority of the House of Judah is removed, then so is his.

Due in large part to heresies being advocated on the internet, the "Two House" movement is growing and deceiving ever more people. Its important to understand what this heresy teaches in order to resist it and hold to the Truth of Torah:

Two House Theory: The anti-Torah doctrine that the "Ten Lost Houses of Israel" (taken together as the "House of Ephraim") takes precedence over the remaining House of Judah (composed of Judah and Benjamin: i.e. the Jews).
Advocates of this heresy usually identify "the House of Ephraim" as White Europeans (especially those of the British Isles). Based on this error they believe themselves to be "true Israel" ("Spiritual Israel" etc) and inevitably promote anti-Semitic versions of replacement theologies. This heresy gained "legs" under the Nicene Christian sect known as the World Wide Church of God and the teachings of Garner Ted Armstrong (February 9, 1930 – September 15, 2003).
As usual, consulting the Bible overpowers false doctrine. - Rabbi Yochanan Levine

Related Posts: ***
Book of M Discussion of LDS and Kabbalistic Theosophy centered around a study of the Book of Mormon as an authentic record of scripture capable of being analyzed by means of the PaRDeS exegesis.
two_sticks · two sticks is a list which discusses Ezekiel 37, and the gathering of Israel in the latter days. Jewish LDS RLDS Restorationist

And "EPHRAIM" by Yair Davidiy  Ephraim has an Approbation from Rabbi Avraham Feld who speaks very strongly about the moral imperative we all have to spread the Brit-Am message.

Related Post on James Trimm's sources Yair Davidy and Rabbi Avraham Feld ????
But when it comes to the Hebraic roots movement and attempts at the "reunification"of the Gentile "lost tribes" with their Jewish "brothers", Rabbi Avraham Feld, of Kol HaTor and Yair Davidy, of Brit Am, are certainly front and center. 
While researching for this report, Jewish Israel was surprised to see the Maccabee Institute, a charity organization, whose purpose is to fight assimilation and promote Jewish heritage, mentioned as supporters of Brit Am, an organization which "avoids the discussion of religious differences" between Jew and Gentile members of the "Lost Ten Tribes" and envisions Jewish and Gentile reunification and co-inheritance of the land of Israel.

The Maccabee Institute, located in Israel, is headed by Rabbi Avraham Feld and by Rabbi David Feld. They have been consistent and firm supporters of Brit-Am Israel from the beginning.  
Sure enough, when we went to the American Friends of The Maccabee Institute website we found this headline:
"We appreciate the awakening of our long lost brothers and sisters of Ten Israel !!!!
We are dedicated to informing Judah of this remarkable, sensational and long-awaited happening !!!!
We have some activities ‘on the ground‘ to help encourage, further and promote the
reconcilliation of the Tribes . All of this with mutural respect and patience .
We favor practical, loving and halachic ways to achieve a new and renewed connection between."
On May 1st, Jewish Israel contacted Rabbi David Feld, President of the Maccabee Institute, to express our concerns and to discuss any connections he may have with recent Christian attempts at aliyah.
Rabbi David Feld was very attentive and concerned. He told this writer that he has met with members of the Hebraic roots movement and that he originally thought the Ten Tribers/ Ephramites were Noahides, but he now realizes the dangers involved.
Rabbi David Feld told us that he is not associated with "Ten Triber" movements and he was unaware that his homepage was welcoming them. He assured us that any confusing links and references on the Macabee Institute site would be removed.  Rabbi David Feld reiterated that he is adamantly opposed to missionary activity and believes that there should be clear lines drawn between Judaism and Christianity.  However, he does support upstanding, moral non-Jews who are seeking to learn more about the Noahide Laws.
A few weeks after the above conversation took place, the linked reference to the Ten Triber movement on the the American Friends of The Maccabee Institute homepage was removed.  Nevertheless, the existing page content remains. 

For those calling themselves "Messianic Jews" or "Messianic Judaism" yet holding to the replacement theology by belonging to a Tribe other than the tribe of Judah see Matthew 24 and Revelation 2:9 you may very well be participating in the fulfillment of Prophesy!
The Grafting In
Now comes a strong warning:
Romans 11:16 Now if the challah offered as firstfruits is holy, so is the whole loaf. And if the root is holy, so are the branches.
17 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you - a wild olive - were grafted in among them and have become equal sharers in the rich root of the olive tree,
18 then don't boast as if you were better than the branches! However, if you do boast, remember that you are not supporting the root, the root is supporting you.
The Antisemitic Nicolaitan doctrine known as "Replacement theology" is utterly rejected here.
Those Gentiles who come to HaShem through the B'rit Hadashah inaugurated through Cohen Gadol Y'shua do not replace the Jews! God forbid (verse 1)! They are "grafted onto the tree" and become part of the Tree. What tree? Israel. This could not be made any more clear. The religion of Israel is Judaism. Nicene Christianity is a man made religion.