There are 38,000 Christian sects with 38,000 Statements of Faith.
There is only One Jewish Statement of Faith.
Judaism recognizes a single creed, the Shema Yisrael, which begins: Deu 6:4 "Sh'ma, Yisra'el! ADONAI Eloheinu, ADONAI echad [Hear, Isra'el! ADONAI our God, ADONAI is one]; (Hebrew: שמע ישראל אדני אלהינו אדני אחד;
Oneness Pentecostalism is one of these Christian sects.
WARNING: The following articles contain diabolical heresy's; the Covenants of HaShem are always with the Jews.
is a rule in the UPCI that no licensed Minister may publicly contend
for any view that may bring disunity to the organization, the mouths
of Prophets within this group are gagged and the pens of scribes are
forbidden to write. With this form of ecclesiastical censorship
lording over the rank and file of this organization, there will never
be a public questioning of Dr. Segraves's beliefs which he publishes
to be true when they are false. Since there can be no publicized
dissent of his opinions and theories from within the ranks of the
UPCI, someone outside of this organization must take up the
responsibility to call his prophetic beliefs false." - Pastor
Rev. Reckart
Brief History
The roots of Oneness Pentecostalism can be traced in the North American Pentecostal movement during the early 1900s. During a camp meeting in Arroyo Seco, California in the late 1913 or early 1914 conducted by the Assemblies of God (AG), one minister by the name of John G. Scheppe revealed that during his night of meditation it was revealed to him that baptism must be done "in the name of Jesus only" and not "in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." Several AG ministers including R.E McAlister, Frank J. Ewart, Glenn A. Cook, and Garfield T. Haywood, began teaching this "new issue."
While this "baptismal formula" began as a friendly debate it developed into a fierce controversy over the nature of Godhead. This "new issue" made a rift between the AG movement that prompted J. Roswell Flower to oppose Oneness theology and baptismal formula in their Third General Council in 1915. In their Fourth General Council in 1916, the AG ministers adopted a "Statement of Fundamental Truths" that forcefully maintained the Trinity doctrine, that banned the 156 of the 585 AG ministers.
The Nature of the Trinity is Essential Nicene Christian Doctrine.
The June 1997 issue of Charisma features an article by executive editor J. Lee Grady entitled, "The Other Pentecostals," reporting on the estimated 17 million Oneness Pentecostals worldwide with 2.1 million in the United States.
Grady calls Pentecostalism a "house divided." While Trinitarian and Oneness Pentecostals alike trace their roots back to the Azusa Street Revival of l906, Oneness Pentecostals have been "separated from their brethren by a nasty doctrinal feud that split families and churches." Today younger leaders in the Oneness movement hope to end the feud and lead their movement into the mainstream church. "It is disturbing enough to read that 17 million Oneness believers are following a theology that rejects the biblical doctrine of the trinity. Even more troubling is the article's suggestion that among many evangelicals this Oneness error is not terribly significant!" [sic]
Plus: "It is a rule in the UPCI that no licensed Minister may publicly contend for any view that may bring disunity to the organization, the mouths of Prophets within this group are gagged and the pens of scribes are forbidden to write. With this form of ecclesiastical censorship lording over the rank and file of this organization, there will never be a public questioning of Dr. Segraves's beliefs which he publishes to be true when they are false. Since there can be no publicized dissent of his opinions and theories from within the ranks of the UPCI, someone outside of this organization must take up the responsibility to call his prophetic beliefs false." - Pastor Rev. G. Reckart
See video at the end of this post.
Daniel Segraves
A Critique
About Bible Prophecy
And The Church?
A Critique
About Bible Prophecy
And The Church?
Executive Vice President
Christian Life College
Stockton, California
Christian Life College
Stockton, California
Ed.D., California Coast University, 1992.
M.A., Exegetical Theology, Western Seminary, 1993.
B.A., Theological Studies, Gateway College of Evangelism, 1981.
Diploma, Western Apostolic Bible College, 1967.
Currently completing the Th.M. with Western Seminary.
Adjunct faculty member at the Urshan Graduate School of Theology.Ministry
Brother Segraves was ordained by the United Pentecostal Church in 1968. He served as Director of Promotions and Publications for the General Sunday School Division of the UPCI from 1968 through 1970. He was also Junior High Editor for Word Aflame Publications, 1969-1970. In 1971 he became the Minister of Christian Education for the First Pentecostal Church in St. Louis, Missouri. He remained with this position through 1974. The following year he accepted the pastorate of the First Pentecostal Church of Dupo, Illinois where he remained until joining the faculty of Christian Life College in 1982.
Dr. Segraves is the author of numerous books including:
* Ancient Wisdom for Today's World: A Commentary on the Book of Proverbs
* Living By Faith: A Verse-by-Verse Study of Romans
* Themes from a Letter to Rome
* Hebrews: Better Things, Volume 1
* Hebrews: Better Things, Volume 2
* James: Faith at Work
* 1 Peter: Standing Fast in the Grace of God
* 2 Peter and Jude
* You Can Understand the Bible: Guidelines for Interpreting Scripture
* The Messiah's Name
* God in Flesh
* Hair Length in the Bible Marriage: Back to Bible Basics (with his wife, Judy)Courses Recently Taught* Hermeneutics
* Theology of the Church
* Harmony of the Gospels
* Systematic Theology
* Hebrews & Leviticus
* Romans & Galatians***********************************************
"Why would a man so educated in secular and religious studies pervert the teachings of the Word of God?""Hello, my name is Pastor G. Reckart. I am an Apostolic Messianic Jesus Name Minister. I am devoted to the Oneness Faith without any mental reservations or equivocations. I am also a devout believer in the supremacy of the New Covenant which is the Constitution of the Kingdom of God. I have been associated with the Apostolic Faith since 1949 and in the Ministry since 1972 when I was ordained. I am currently the President of the Apostolic Theological Bible College in Tampa, Florida. I feel I am well qualified to address the teachings of Dr. Daniel Segraves.
My reason for speaking out against the teachings of Dr. Segraves is because he has perverted many Truths concerning the New Covenant and the Scriptures. These must be addressed by someone. Since it is a rule in the UPCI that no licensed Minister may publicly contend for any view that may bring disunity to the organization, the mouths of Prophets within this group are gagged and the pens of scribes are forbidden to write. With this form of ecclesiastical censorship lording over the rank and file of this organization, there will never be a public questioning of Dr. Segraves's beliefs which he publishes to be true when they are false. Since there can be no publicized dissent of his opinions and theories from within the ranks of the UPCI, someone outside of this organization must take up the responsibility to call his prophetic beliefs false.
Normally in cases like this, the organizational leaders with the rank (ministers) and file (members) will claim the person exposing error and heresies are guilty of some sin or harbor hate and this is the motive for what they perceive is an attack against God's one and only Bride, ...the UPC. Some will say my apologetic is sour grapes for some bad experience with officials and or I have a problem submitting to authority. Over the years I have heard all sorts of lies used to justify false teachings among the different Jesus Name organizations. They never admit that a licensed Minister teaches a false doctrine. The UPC has its good-ole-boy system were some can preach false doctrine and nothing is done about it.
May I say to those who will read this and your cup has boiled over: I will match my life and the purity of the Apostolic Doctrine I hold with any Minister in the UPC or other Jesus Name organization. I will even publically debate my life and doctrine with the life and doctrine of any UPC Minister brave enough to step forward.
My purpose is not hate but to expose what I perceive is the hidden agenda antichrist will use to deceive the world, which Dr. Segraves is assisting with his wrong interpretation of prophecy and the Kingdom of God. What Dr. Segraves has taught and written will deceive and lead astray many of the very elect. Of what profit is it if a person is Acts 2:38, Oneness, and Holiness, if they hold and teach other false doctrines? Does the complete Apostle's Doctrine hold any virtue and security from falling from grace? I believe so and any teaching or doctrine that is not of the Apostle's Doctrine is false.
Apostolics, through the use of subtle theological manipulations, are being indoctrinated in Pharisee Jewish theology and not the Apostles doctrine. The heresy of dispensationalism cannot be ignored any longer. If no one takes Dr. Segraves to task over his wrong interpretations, then he will be presumed to be correct by the absence of a dissenting voice. This is dangerous because innocent Ministers and Church members of the Oneness ranks will receive his errors and teach them for the truth. I hope through this apologetic against Dr. Segrave's beliefs that many will not be deceived by his theories but will instead believe the Truth as found in the New Testament. If you feel you must write me a protest or hate email, go ahead. Such will not intimidate me to remove this information. I pray those who read this will understand that my whole purpose is to stand up for true prophetic interpretation and the true identity of the Apostolic Church which Christ purchased with his blood.
I have no other motive.Dr. Segraves is the author of "You Can Understand The Bible" and a series of studies within this work which he calls hermenutics. I will critique his basic errors in this course of study." [sic]
This is a series of videos [below] to challenge people to search the scriptures, to see if what they were taught is actually in the Bible. Many of us heard things said over and over, so much so that we started believing the Bible verses were there. Sometimes we neglected to check. Other times we read things into a verse or pieced together passages to make a doctrine.
This video challenges you to see if you can find the phrase in the Bible, "with the evidence of speaking in tongues."
This video challenges you to see if you can find the phrase in the Bible, "with the evidence of speaking in tongues."
A Critique of Brother Daniel Segraves
"You Can Understand The Bible"By Pastor G. Reckart
"You Can Understand The Bible"By Pastor G. Reckart
"The errors of Bro. Segraves centers on his interpretation of prophecy, and specifically his dispensationalism and two covenant theology. He denies the identity of the Church being Jewish. He claims the Church is a Gentile organization and thus a Gentile bride for Christ.
His teachings follow trinitarian dispensationalism in the idea God the Father is married to Israel and God the Son will be married to a Gentile Bride. Two gods and two wives. He places the role of the Holy Ghost, the third person in the trinity as the agent assisting Israel and the Church in their respective relationships with the other two persons. Although he does not endorse the trinity or even weave it openly into his distortations, any person who knows trinitarian dispensationalism can see it clearly in his writings.
Bro. Segraves works hard to separate Israel from the Church and postpones the Kingdom of God from beginning on the day of Pentecost until the millennial. This error means Peter had the keys not to the Church but to the spiritual event to occur in the millennial. This also means the Church is not the Kingdom of God and the new birth of John 3:3-5 does not occur until the millennial. So what then, is the plan of salvation for the Church since he has removed the entity to benefit from it to the millennial?
Bro. Segraves took his stance on this against "Replacement Theology" and attacks this as being evil, satanic, and false: when in fact replacement theology is taught in the Scriptures. Consider:
1.) The New Covenant replaced the Old Covenant;2.) The Church replaced the Temple;
3.) The sacrifice of Christ replaced all animal sacrifices for ever;
4.) The high priesthood of Christ replaced the high priesthood of Aaron for ever;
5.) The Old Testament priesthood was replaced by a New Covenant priesthood;
6.) The Old Testament plan of salvation was replaced by the New Covenant plan of salvation;
7.) Israel as a nation was replaced by the Messianic Kingdom of God;
8.) Unbelieving Jews were cut out of the olive tree and replaced with Gentile converts;
9.) The preaching of the Gospel replaced the preaching of the Law;
10.) The authority of the Apostles replaced all the authority of temple leaders." [sic]
Isaiah 33:22
“For HaShem is our Judge, HaShem is our Lawgiver (Mechoqeck), HaShem is our King; He will save us.”
James 4:12
“There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and destroy. But you - who are you to judge your neighbour? Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him, speaks against the Law (Torah) and judges it. When you judge the Law (Torah), you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. ”
Pastor Reckart, even opposers of God’s Law (Torah) would not think of denying that HaShem (G-D) is the Lawgiver, as these Scriptures confirm. They would however take exception to the following Scriptural statement and undoubtedly find, or create reasons for arguing it away. The onus is on you though, as the individual reader, to consider the following statement and decide how you would accept it or interpret it. This text uses the exact same Hebrew word Mechoqeck,, and is written in the very same Bible, the Word of HaShem (G-D).
This text will no doubt raise many eyebrows.- coming from the Mouth of HaShem (G-D) Himself:
Ps 60:7 “Judah is my Lawgiver (Mechoqeck),”
And just in case someone may propose that this is an editorial error in the Bible, it is repeated once more in Ps 108:8.
The word Mechoqeck appears 6 times only, in the Tanach (OT).
Once it refers directly to HaShem (G-D) Himself, as quoted in the introduction above - Isaiah 33:22
Twice it refers clearly to Judah (the Jews).
Ps 60:7 “Judah is My lawgiver.” (Hebrew: ‘Yehudah Mechoqeqi’). Some English translations render it ‘My Sceptre’.
Ps. 108:8 – the same -
Of the three remaining instances, twice it is a vague reference, but the final instance is an equally bold declaration regarding Judah, as recorded in the Word of HaShem (G-D). This declaration regarding Judah is no doubt inspired by His Spirit in line with the Divine Promise made to Jacob by HaShem (G-D) Himself at Luz (or Bethel) in Samaria. According to this Divine Blessing, God would bless Jacob’s descendants, which would grow into a multitude of nations, whom God would bring back to this very Land of Israel (Genesis 28:10-19).
Gen. 49:10 “The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a Lawgiver
(Mechoqeck) from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the obedience of the people (the nations) be.”
5 New Testament Questions that virtually all Christian Ministers are unable to answer correctly according to the Bible:
1: How does the Scriptures define our Love for God?
2: How do we know that we know the true God?
3: How do we know that we love the Children of God?
4: The New Covenant pertains to whom; The House of Judah, The House of Yisrael, or the Church?
5: How do we enter into eternal life?
1Jn 5:3 For loving God means obeying his commands. Moreover, his commands are not burdensome,Plain and simple: "Replacement theology" (the claim that "the Church" has replaced Judaism) is a diabolic heresy!
Pastor Reckart continues; "Replacement theology "properly" preached is the Truth.[???] Bro. Segraves distorts the meaning of replacement theology saying it means we believe Gentiles totally replaced Jews and God will not deal with Jews as a people. This is false and to publish this distortation shows he is not honest. We teach only that Gentiles replaced unbelieving Jews who were cut out of the olive tree. We also teach if they will repent and believe they can be grafted back in. Bro. Segraves distorts the truth on this so he can continue his false doctrine that the Church is a Gentile bride. No, it was born in Israel, in the tribe of Judah, and in Jerusalem, a Jewish city. The Church had a Jewish birth. The first members were from all the tribes of Israel until approximately ten years when the door to the Gentiles was opened. It was a Jewish Church all this ten years. How then will it become a Gentile Church? Gentiles are grafted into a Jewish olive tree. Brother Segraves distorts the identity of the olive tree and denies it is the Jewish Church. But those of a noble mind know the Gentiles were grafted into something and saved. This can only be the Church. For him to suggest it is anything else is a hoax."
"He places Israel at the center of prophecy when the Church is the center of prophecy and has been before the foundation of the world. Before the foundation of the world it was God's plan to establish the Church as his premier work in the completion of mankind in his likeness and image; from body form to spirit form. To this Israel and all of the law were but types and shadows of that which was to come and fulfilled in Jesus Messieh when he arrived at the beginning of the 70th week of Daniel.
Israel was to go through a transition for 69 weeks and then "AFTER" 69 weeks the Messieh comes and is cut off (crucified) and brings the transition from the Law Covenant to the New Covenant. Moses prophesied of this and said that every one who did not received this prophet would be destroyed from among the people. How can those who denied Jesus not then be destroyed, separated, from the covenants of God?
Bro. Segraves follows the Clarence Larkin trinitarian scheme on the 70th week of Daniel and claims this week of 7 years which was intended to be under the law dispensation was postponed to the end of the church age because not enough Jews believed to continue on with the original plan. He is false on this. He is saying that one week of the law covenant was not nailed to the Cross. He is saying that his one week not nailed to the Cross will allow Jews to rebuild the temple, offer up a red heifer and other animal sacrifices, and re-instate the abolished Aaronic and Levite priesthoods. And for Jews this becomes the plan of salvation during the tribulation time. This means Jesus does not have an everlasting priesthood after Calvary for all people, including Jews and Israel. His priesthood will cease for seven years while Brother Segraves supposes God the Father will restore the old abolished Covenant of the Law while God the Son has his Gentile Church Bride up in heaven at the marriage supper. This is false. It is error. It is a hoax!
Pastor Reckart continues; "This 70th week was not a period of time entirely of law keeping as Seagraves envisions, but was entirely to the house of Israel and the house of Judah as said the Prophet to bring in everlasting righteousness. That's why no Gentile could come in until the 70 weeks were expired! Then, the Gentiles came into a Jewish Church started by Jesus which consisted of Israelites of all the 12 tribes. This made the Church the Israel of God. The Church is the Judaism of Jesus and stands against the Judaism of the Phariasees and Saducees. Brother Segraves denies the Church is the Israel of God. His teachings make the Church a sort of concubine to God.
Bro. Segraves also believes God will accept the blood of animal sacrifices for Jews during his seven years of tribulation (Daniel's 70th postponed week). That it is the stopping of these blood sacrifices by a Pope who will be the antichrist, that angers God. And starts God's pouring out his wrath. He believes the Church has already been secretly snatched to heaven where the saints will be eating at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, all of which is false. Those who properly understand the antichrist know he will be Jewish and arise in Israel and in Jerusalem, not Italy or Rome!
He opposes the Post-tribulation coming of Jesus, following dispensational breakdowns of appearing and comings so that he has Jesus coming 2 times, once before tribulation and once after tribulation. Which Matthew 24 does not reveal, nor does any other New Testament passage. Jesus comes back one time in Matthew 24 and that is after tribulation. That is settled. Bro. Segraves also said nothing in Matthew 24 applies to the Church it applies only to Jews. This is false! This is his dispensational way of saying only Jews must endure the time of great tribulation and Jesus comes after it only for the Jews not Gentiles, because God had shut the door on all Gentiles when the pre-tribulation rapture took place.
I am not opposed to Bro. Segraves in his basic doctrine on baptism in Jesus name, Oneness of God, and holiness, we agree there. It is his hatred for the real truth and putting out false information that I oppose. His distortations will cause people to be looking for a quick snatch out when they need to be prepared to endure the time of great tribulation. His teachings will not prepare the Jesus name people to stand when the coming antichrist appears. One person who follows him said he would know no man was the antichrist while he was alive on earth, because he would not be revealed until after he was gone. Yet Segraves and other dispensationalist claim the antichrist has already been revealed and he is the Pope! How come they aren't gone yet?
Here is the danger of Bro. Segraves doctrines. If the Church must go through the tribulation this man will accept the antichrist because he will still be looking for his escape hole in the sky and it did not happen. How many thousands may be tricked to worship the antichrist when he appears in Israel doing all manner of miracles, reviving animal sacrifices, rebuilding the temple, and a false prophet acting as Elijah comes calling fire down from heaven? And those miracle followers among us will eat it up like the Jews have become Pentecostal and don't know it. Pentecostals will believe the antichrist is from God and worship (praise and adore) him, not knowing that he will turn with all the fullness of the devil in him and mutate into the antichrist. The Word of God says all who worship him will be damned, not just those who take his mark! Few preach that these days. Bro. Segraves endangers the souls of many Jesus Name Apostolics.
Now if you are dispensational and Pre-Trib you will agree with him and not see the error of his falsehoods. But if you are honest, you will see he is false on many of his claims concerning Israel, the Church, the time of the rapture, and the identity of the Apostolic people as Jews by choice and joining a Jewish religion of the Judaism of Jesus Messieh." [sic]
Pastor Reckart
The Other Side of
"The Other Pentecostals"
by MW Bassett
Pastor, Life Tabernacle United Pentecostal Church of Milford, CT
"The Other Pentecostals"
by MW Bassett
Pastor, Life Tabernacle United Pentecostal Church of Milford, CT
In June issue of Charisma magazine, an article by J. Lee Grady was republished entitled "The Other Pentecostals". Due to a mix of misunderstanding and misinformation dealt the readership, quite a lot of speculation and even confusion was planted in the religious world. (Thanks to Charisma's web effort, the article can presently be seen by clicking here ).
As a minister licensed with the United Pentecostal Church, and perhaps because I have been favored with some reach on the internet, I received some of these inquiries. I believe the article calls for a response. Mr. Grady should look into the matters which he wrote of much more carefully.
As posted on their web page, the article concludes with the statement "J. Lee Grady is executive editor of Charisma. He welcomes feedback on how the Oneness issue can be resolved." It is always sad to see people bypass the truths of God's word, attempting to resolve them, or in other words, to work compromise. Many people who come close to a transforming experience with divine revelation, attempt to fit that revelation into a practical and religiously acceptable package, . Biblical examples include Saul, Pilate, Judas, Caiphas, and Saphira, interpretting the move of God in their lives without allowing God to breach their definitions, as did David, Zechariah, Mary and Peter. Oneness is not an "issue", it is simply the definition of God's nature, which his Apostles faithfully taught, in harmony with the prophets.
To Larry,
Good Day!
Your inquiry is included for convenient reference at the end of this response.
I have been able to acquire and read a copy of the article entitled "The Other Pentecostals" by Mr J. Lee Grady and can address your questions somewhat. First, I want to help you to broaden your perspective on what you are asking.
Let's turn to Mike Williams' statement: "We are not a monolithic movement". Let us start there, and keep that in mind. Before speaking to the issues you are interested in, consider the source of the article and the chosen quotes. Notice also omissions which speak loudly.
The author relates to individuals such as William's, suggesting that they are progressive while specifically calling out "offences" such as holiness standards, which are left to be identified with the "old guard". Is the author implying that Williams and others have left holiness standards behind? It would seem that way. However, few who know these men personally or professionally would make such an accusation. When the reality of their lives and preaching is compared with the implications of the article, it appear that the author has a hidden motive. I hesitate to say that it is to sow discord, yet I can find no alternative. If this is so, there was undoubtably a collaboration to accomplish this purpose. A number of the men who were named will be troubled as a result of the implications made, and will probably consider their best response to be silence. However, silence should not lead anyone to believe that Grady presented a reliable view of the church.
Williams, Cunningham, Tenney and Mangun believe, teach and preach holiness, yet have made efforts to adapt their approach to evangelism so as to be successful in communicating the gospel in a day when many offend with their strangeness before ever bringing a message of hope to the sinner. They are not alone. Others have made efforts to accommodate changes in the society and a declining knowledge of Bible issues. Grady refers to "younger leaders" who are unhappy about being ostracized, but names no one. These discontent are not the men who he has named, though they are cited as progressives. In fact, the author seems to imply that Such men as Jabo Green speak for a large number of people who are presently in the fellowship. To convey this notion is plainly deceitful. Jabo Green left the fellowship honestly when it was required that he affirm the articles of faith that bind the UPC ministry together with common experience and doctrine. What he and others have done since then is not relevant to the UPC.
His article portrays a large group on the verge of change, yet the reality is that there is a spirit of slander in very small factions of the church, as there always has been. Secular media, such as the Charisma publication need not remain ignorant of the true disposition of the people who live, work and lead in the Apostolic church, but it seems to enjoy the propagation of these ideas. Our changes will be in the area of more effective communication of the gospel, at the expense of personalities, but we will not become nominal drifters from the fiery experience of Pentecost, and the holiness of life that impacted on all believers who received something from God.
Initially, I would warn you that much of the article is misrepresentation: not only in the areas of your questions but in other areas.
Because of the basic truth of Mike William's observation, I cannot ever consider myself a spokesman for the United Pentecostal Church. This will not surprise anyone since I am literally an unknown. However, notice that it is equally true that even the General Superintendent will not always be a satisfactory source from which to find out what is really going on in the church. The church is a dynamic body. It is well able to distinguish between its spiritual life and its elected administrative leadership. The spiritual life of the body does not derive from the leadership, though the body respects its headship and ministry of government.
The UPC has matured in recent years, as was implied, however, it has not become doctrinally weaker. I believe the article was clear overall in making this statement: If Christendom has an awkward time with us, it is largely because of adherence to doctrine and not specifically because of a uniform nasty attitude. Grady was fair in saying that we get as much as we give, if not more in terms of verbal and systematic abuse. Furthermore, it properly compared the attitudes of the UPCI with those of the A/G. It is the UPCI which has repeatedly made efforts to reach out to the rest of the Christian world, with or without the efforts of Rev. Anthony Mangun. Brother Mangun simply expresses the heart of a Christian and desires to overcome prejudice to reach the world for Jesus Christ. It is no secret that much of that reachable world is a "churched" society.
It is ironic that Grady hurtfully quoted John Maxwell as saying that he finds "UPC leaders to be more open and hungry for God all the time". When John Maxwell is contacted, will he confess that his evaluation of the UPC is that they are a people in need of developing a true relationship with God as Grady has led us to believe Maxwell thinks. we should consider the fact that John Maxwell is invited to come and teach at Anthony Mangun's risk, who already receives criticism for allowing his pulpit presence to communicate that Maxwell's non-Apostolic salvation doctrine (though never mentioned) is now accepted. Most who know Pastor Anthony Mangun do not believe that he is implying this by breaking with protocol and inviting Maxwell, but rather that we have the power to communicate the wonderful truth of God's word, and His power and will not be hindered by appearances and traditions. Anthony Mangun treads on thin ice in such bold outreach, like that of his relationship with President Clinton. He risks much criticism. I hope that John Maxwell has not taken the occasion for a "sucker punch". Either Grady or Maxwell is duplicitous, but not Anthony Mangun. Charge him with over-reaching perhaps, but not with doctrinal compromise. Such charges have come from his detractors, but not from evidence presented in his teaching.
Maxwell would concur that the reachable world includes many who have a profession of Christianity, and so would the A/G. If we can reach for Maxwell, he can reach for us, but we were not aware that he joined the masses who assert that a adherence to Apostolic doctrine in spite of the popular tradition would actually remove our membership in the Kingdom of God. If this is true, John Maxwell should publically say this, so as to help Anthony Mangun to discuss this matter with his brethren, however. I fear that some enjoy the possibility of division within the UPC. I for one, will have nothing to do with such a spirit.
Grady referred to Jabo Green and a number of unnamed men. I do not believe that the attitudes of these men are properly represented in the article. In fact, quite often men DO have stones to throw at the United Pentecostal Church. Conferences of which they partake seem at times to be little more than UPC bashing sessions. Also, there are a number whose attitudes and behavior have manifest in threatening and even actually bringing the church into secular court. In any case, the attitudes of men who were once in the UPC, or are even now unhappy with their commitment to the Articles of Faith are nothing new, nor are they related to your inquiry. With careful study, one notices that these attitudes are present throughout the history of the movement. People leave the A/G, they leave the Episcopal church and the Mormons.. When they leave the UPC, their passion for their direction is no less profound, and their direction is no more accurate by rule.
It is interesting to notice Grady's closing comments. How will the situation be resolved? The UPC will sign a covenant that departs from a clear statement of Apostolic doctrine, while the A/G will sign the same document which is utterly consistent with their own established articles. Given understanding, Grady is saying nothing more than, "The UPC will cause itself to disappear". Grady says that calling Trinitarians "Christians" will clear the way to removing the offence, presuming that Trinitarians will do the same for oneness believers.
We wonder where the impetus for this derives from. It certainly does not come from the Spirit of God or from scripture. The Apostles warned against liquidators of doctrine, while compelling men such as Mangun and Williams to become all things to all men in reaching them with truth. We cannot compromise the saving faith, but we can remove the offence that we bring to a relationship in and of ourselves, removing the fleshly will and dying to self for the sake of our head, the Lord Jesus Christ. I view the conflicts that Grady helps to bring to the church as testing and opportunity for God to extract a powerful and committed church for His glory. Jesus asked his disciple "Do you love me ?" The result of that answer was linked inextricably to the destiny of feeding His sheep. Love of Jesus Christ is expressed in the practical by obeying His commandments, and honoring and loving the brethren. Efforts by Satan to divide the church cannot succeed, but as we grow stronger, controversies and persecutions will provide opportunities for some who are not committed to the purpose of feeding HIS sheep, to leave. As one man has said, "the spirit of the hornet is loosed and we shall possess the land".
Concerning the quote of Jack Cunningham's statement:
1. It is probably a misquote, or is somehow devoid of context.
2. There is a truth in it which we will share. We do not believe that the UPC alone has access to salvation. Obviously those who embrace the gospel do so by the hand of God in an eternal program and by design far more profound than that of a movement 70+ years old. The Gospel does not change, but the possibility of its sole possession by a single human group is as absurd as the notion that salvation is singularly administrated by the Roman Pontiff. We do not believe that the roman Catholics could contain salvation, and neither do we believe any other could. But we do believe the church is uniform and has a common salvation. It is the obedience to doctrine that determines salvation (Romans 6:16-17), not those who profess salvation who determine what doctrine will be regarded.
3. What Irving Cunningham means by a "fingernail" is subject to question. He will probably be challenged to answer for who he is calling a zealot. It is very rare to find anyone who will state that we are the only people saved. Very few are that dumb.
In answer to your question: "Does this mean that the UPC now recognizes the salvation of other Pentecostals who have been baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost."....
The UPC has not and will not re-explain the Apostle's doctrine. Those who are more concerned with what someone thinks about their non-biblical views and right to them, than they are about the Word of God itself will always find reason for unhappiness. There will always be someone to criticize and leave one short of the satisfaction that only God's spirit can provide, whether the critic be a teacher sent of God, or mearly a contrary nag.
The basis of the problem in fellowship is that we do indeed believe very different things regarding the word of God. The problem is not the varying beliefs alone. If it was merely an intellectual or philosophical matter, peace would be preferred to principle. However the scripture specifically details the nature of God, the doctrine of the new birth and the essentials of Christian life, and that WHAT we believe EXACTLY EFFECTS what we do, and WHAT WE DO exactly effects our relationship with God (that is, unless one believes that behavior and faith and understanding is not a factor in salvation - and some evidently have dismissed ALL of this for the sake of a malformed notion of grace), and our relationship with God and the principles exercised in that relationship determine our destiny. Because of this, we will not compromise understanding. It is not to oppose others. It is to be true to God and allow others to do so in their own conscience. You can properly deduce that we believe others will come to the same understanding we have, given grace and experience.
We do not find it necessary to explain the destiny of ever infant baptized or unbaptized, or the fate of the "godly grandmother" who died without obedience to the gospel, whether or not nattering questions are brought day and night by critics. God did not appoint us to explain these matters any more than a modern theologians claim ability to explain the "mystery of the trinity". He sufficiently gave us understanding needed to be saved by precious revelation of scripture .. by means of Jesus incarnation and death, the faith and blood of martyrs, and the virtue of Apostolic generations past. This is not something that is traded for a convenient seating arrangement in modern Christendom.
1. Can a person be born again without baptism in Jesus name?
The New Birth is a birth of water and spirit. Baptism is for the remission of sins, and is clearly a part of the great commission and of the gospel, being the representation and experience of the burial of Jesus Christ. The name of Jesus Christ is the only name which carries authority and spiritual power. Only the personal name of the God in Christ is taught by the Apostles as having access to the spiritual power of the blood.
Note: “Born again” is not a Christian term? It is a Jewish term!
• When Gentiles converted to Judaism, they were said to be born again.
• When a man was crowned king, he was said to be born again.
• When a Jewish boy has a bar mitzvah at the age of 13, he is said to be born again.
• When a Jewish person marries, he is said to be born again.
• When a Jewish person is ordained as a Rabbi, he is said to be born again.
• When a Jewish person becomes the head of a rabbinical school, he is said to be born again.
“Spirit of Truth” which is a metaphor for Torah, being Torah observant. (an FYI)
2. Can a person be born again without being baptized with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues?
The New Birth imparts life through the birth of the Spirit. If a person has not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. Though inconvenient for opponents, we cannot find another alternate method of impartation of that spirit other than the baptism of the Holy Ghost. No, we do not recognize another means other than the experience of Pentecost, and no Biblical authority suggests that the sign recognized by the Apostles need ever be absent from the in-filling of the Spirit of God. I can hope that there is an in-filling without speaking in tongues, but am satisfied that anyone and everyone can receive this experience exactly according to the Biblical pattern and therefore should, without exception and in spite of emotional, religious and traditional hindrances.
"The doctrinal views of UPCI reflect most of the beliefs of the Holiness-Pentecostal movement--with the exception of the "second work of grace"; the Biblical doctrine of the Trinity; and baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. It embraces the a Pentecostal view that speaking in tongues is the initial sign of receiving the Holy Spirit. If this were true, then why DIDN'T the Apostle John mention speaking in tongues in any of his epistles?"
"The entire purpose for the writing of 1st John is found in 1st John 5:13, "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." If baptism and speaking in tongues are necessary for salvation, then why didn't John mention either when the entire purpose of writing his epistle was so that we could KNOW we have eternal life? It's common sense folks."
3. Can anyone become a child of God without baptism in water and baptism with the Holy Ghost?
Can one become a child of God without the New Birth of John 3:5, clearly seen in practice in Acts 8,10 and 19 ? Furthermore, why would one WANT to bypass these scriptural experiences?
If they were mere ritual, we could imagine so, but these are dynamic, power filled spiritual experiences. I cannot understand the desire to bypass and neglect the divine revelation and gates of salvation, unless it is simply a contrary spirit, and rebellion.
"If the answer to the above questions is "no", would not that mean that all non oneness Pentecostals are still unregenerate and children of the devil?"
No.. As there were Biblical examples seeking, and coming closer and desiring to be bound to the Lord Jesus Christ (as for example Apollos, and Cornelius), so each one of us has had the experience of having to come a closer as the Lord bids us come. Had Saul of Tarsus confronted the voice that spoke to him with a demand for justification, rather than repentance, we would know no Apostle by the name of Paul today. Every experience with God is entered into with humility. Acts 2:38's invitation is "repent ...". God knows that the hungry heart will not resist truth forever.
If we ask the question "what of those who died without knowing this truth?" we are not being honest unless we also ask, "what of those heathen who died without a witness of the gospel"? " These questions are deeply intertwined and do not supply man with a convenient escape from responsibility.
"When I have asked these questions in the past I have not been given straight answers. They have hedged and dodged by saying, 'We don't judge any man.' "
You may have noticed in the article that even the most negative man (pg 64, column 3), said "No one else came out and said everyone else was going to hell...". I want you to consider just how far away from the usual slander this really is. This is a man who would like to reach for a recollection of people saying the very things that most detractors say are routinely spoken. He has been in situations where it most certainly would have been heard, even if through undisciplined lips, yet this man hasn't heard it from authority. Don't bypass that. but consider the significance. we don't talk like that. However, I would like you to hear how many times I have been rejected from "Christian " conferences and discussion groups and how many people we have lost because someone has told them that we are not Christians. Why are we not Christians? Because we believe that in having the Son, we also unquestionably have the Father, and because we believe that faith manifest in obedience to the authoritative word of God through the Apostles and prophets.
"If someone asked me if they could be saved without repenting I could tell them definitely not because Jesus said, 'except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish.' "
I appreciate your candor, and faithfulness. We will also tell someone what Jesus says, and what His apostles teach. We, like you, teach that repentance is essential. We also teach that the gospel is ONE gospel, and clearly outline it as taught by the Apostles. The consequences of NOT OBEYING the gospel ARE IMPLICIT, and are NOT the churches or ministries responsibility UNLESS the ministry fails to preach the whole gospel, or to teach "whatsoever I have commanded you". Thus we ideally preach the gospel, and warn of the consequences of neglecting so great a salvation, yet we do not destroy the individual with condemnation. The negative reaction that unbelievers have is called conviction in most Christian circles, not condemnation. That is, their own conscience has provided much of the negative reaction that is experienced by people who "complain about the UPC". Down the street will be a church that will give a shoulder to the complainer, and explain that his own comfort is preferable to obedience. The same voices will then blaspheme us as heretics. Again, the fact that we generally do not typically respond against that kind of hindrance in preaching the gospel should be noted to our credit, and not be presumed to communicate "unclearness". In fact, progressives within the movement rebuke the sharp of tongue who would call fire out of heaven to deal with the detractors.
"I think the church world needs a clear answer on whether or not the UPC believes anybody can be born again without baptism according to your view."
I think the world, which ostensibly will include the religious church world, needs an clear answer concerning what the Lord's program of salvation is. This is my concern, and I am glad that it is yours also. Lets abide in peace as much as possible while delivering the saving truth of God's word.
Yours in Jesus Christ,
MW Bassett
Pastor, Life Tabernacle UPC, Milford CT
Nicene Christianity Refutes Itself
(Blasphemy spellings for Hashem not mine)
Armenian Catholic Church
Belarusian Greek Catholic Church
Bulgarian Catholic Church
Chaldean Catholic Church
Coptic Catholic Church
Byzantine Church of Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro
Ethiopian Catholic Church
Georgian Catholic Church
Greek Catholic Church
Hungarian Greek Catholic Church
Italo-Albanian Catholic Church - a.k.a. Italo-Greek Catholic Church
Macedonian Catholic Church
Maronite Catholic Church
Melkite Catholic Church
Romanian Catholic Church
Russian Catholic Church
Ruthenian Catholic Church (usually called the "Byzantine Catholic Church" in the United States)
Slovak Greek Catholic Church
Syriac Catholic Church
Syro-Malabar Church
Syro-Malankara Catholic Church
Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
Apostolic Catholic Church
American Catholic Church in the United States
Bosnian Church (no longer in existence)
Brazilian Catholic Apostolic Church
Catholic Charismatic Church of Canada
Celtic Catholic Church
Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association
Communion of Christ the Redeemer
Free Catholic Church
Liberal Catholic Church
Mariavite Church
Old Catholic Church
Old Catholic Church of America
Old Catholic Church in Europe
Palmarian Catholic Church
Philippine Independent Church
Polish National Catholic Church
True Catholic Church
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
Finnish Orthodox Church
Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church (autonomy not universally recognized)
Patriarchal Exarchate for Orthodox Parishes of Russian Tradition in Western Europe (autonomy not universally recognized)
Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria
Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America
Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem
Saint Catherine's Monastery (considered autocephalous by some)
Russian Orthodox Church
Latvian Orthodox Church (semi-autonomous)
Moldovan Orthodox Church (autonomy not universally recognized)
Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)
Japanese Orthodox Church(autonomy not universally recognized)
Chinese Orthodox Church
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (semi-autonomous; not universally recognized)
Estonian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchate (semi-autonomous; not universally recognized)
Serbian Orthodox Church
Macedonian Orthodox Church (autonomy not universally recognized)
Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric
Romanian Orthodox Church
Metropolis of Bessarabia
Bulgarian Orthodox Church
Georgian Orthodox and Apostolic Church
Cypriot Orthodox Church
Church of Greece
Polish Orthodox Church
Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania (Albanian Orthodox Church)
Czech and Slovak Orthodox Church
Orthodox Church in America (autocephaly not universally recognized)
Greek Old Calendarists
Montenegrin Orthodox Church
Macedonian Orthodox Church
Russian Old Believers
Ukrainian Orthodox Church:
Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church
Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kiev Patriarchy)
Antiochian Catholic Church in America (not in full communion)
Celtic Orthodox Church
Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria
British Orthodox Church
French Coptic Orthodox Church
Syriac Orthodox Church
Jacobite Syrian Christian Church
Armenian Apostolic Church
Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin
Holy See of Cilicia
Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem
Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church
Malabar Independent Syrian Church
Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church
Church of Caucasian Albania (extinct)
Sassanid Church (no longer in existence)
Assyrian Church of the East (Mar Dinkha IV)
Ancient Church of the East (Mar Addai II)
Eastern Catholic Church (Mar Mikhail of Edessa, Metropolitan)
Moravian Church
Unity of the Brethren
Apostolic Lutheran Church of America
Association of Free Lutheran Congregations
Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America
Church of the Lutheran Confession
Concordia Lutheran Conference
Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference
Evangelical Lutheran Church "Concord" (Russia)
Evangelical Lutheran Free Church (Germany)
Evangelical Lutheran Synod (United States)
Lutheran Church of Central Africa Malawi Conference
Lutheran Church of Central Africa Zambia Conference
Ukrainian Lutheran Church
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (United States)
Evangelical Catholic Church
Kosovo Protestant Evangelical Church
Evangelical Community Church-Lutheran
Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America
International Lutheran Council
American Association of Lutheran Churches
Evangelical Lutheran Church - Synod of France and Belgium
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil
Evangelical Lutheran Church of England
Gutnius Lutheran Church
Independent Evangelical-Lutheran Church
Japan Lutheran Church
Lanka Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church—Canada
Lutheran Church—Hong Kong Synod
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (United States)
Lutheran Church of Australia (associate member)
Laestadian Lutheran Church
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Lutheran Church of China (no longer in existence)
Lutheran Church-International
Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (United States)
Lutheran Evangelical Protestant Church (United States)
Lutheran Ministerium and Synod - USA
Lutheran World Federation
Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church
Arcot Lutheran Church
Batak Christian Protestant Church
Church of Denmark
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland
Church of Iceland
Church of Norway
Church of Sweden
Church of the Faroe Islands
Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church
Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Madhya Pradesh
Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Himalayan States
Evangelical Lutheran Free Church of Norway (associate member)
Gossner Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chotanagpur and Assam
Indian Evangelical Lutheran Church
Jeypore Evangelical Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church of Australia (associate member)
Malagasy Lutheran Church
Northern Evangelical Lutheran Church
Simalungun Protestant Christian Church
South Andhra Lutheran Church
Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church
Rhenish Church of South Africa
Rhenish Church in Namibia
Rhenish Church in the Republic of Namiba
Evangelical Mission Church in Namibia
Rhenish Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia
Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia
Anglican Church in Central America
Anglican Church of Australia
Anglican Church of Burundi
Anglican Church of Canada
Anglican Church of Kenya
Anglican Church of Korea
Anglican Church of Mexico
Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea
Anglican Church of Southern Africa
Anglican Church of Tanzania
Anglican Church of the Southern Cone of America
Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil
Church in the Province of the West Indies
Church in Wales
Church of England
Church of Ireland
Church of Nigeria
Church of Uganda
Church of the Province of Central Africa
Church of the Province of Melanesia
Church of the Province of Myanmar
Church of the Province of Rwanda
Church of the Province of South East Asia
Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean
Church of the Province of West Africa
Episcopal Church (in the United States and elsewhere)
Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East
Episcopal Church in the Philippines
Episcopal Church of Cuba
Episcopal Church of the Sudan
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui
Lusitanian Catholic Apostolic Evangelical Church (in Portugal)
Nippon Sei Ko Kai (Japan)
Province de L'Eglise Anglicane Du Congo
Scottish Episcopal Church
Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church
African Orthodox Church
Anglican Catholic Church
Anglican Church in America
Anglican Church in North America
Anglican Church of India
Anglican Episcopal Church (USA)
Anglican Mission in the Americas
Anglican Orthodox Church
Anglican Province of America
Anglican Province of Christ the King
Christian Episcopal Church
Church of England (Continuing)
Church of England in South Africa
Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches
Diocese of the Great Lakes
Diocese of the Holy Cross
Episcopal Missionary Church
Evangelical Connexion of the Free Church of England
Free Church of England
Free Protestant Episcopal Church
Holy Catholic Church--Western Rite
Independent Anglican Church Canada Synod
Orthodox Anglican Church
Reformed Episcopal Church
Southern Episcopal Church
United Episcopal Church of North America
Rhenish Church in Namibia and South Africa
Canadian and American Reformed Churches
Christian Reformed Church in North America
Christian Reformed Churches of Australia
Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches
Congregational Federation of Australia
Dutch Reformed Church
Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches
Free Reformed Churches of North America
Heritage Reformed Congregations
Netherlands Reformed Congregations
Orthodox Christian Reformed Church
Protestant Reformed Churches in America
Reformed Church in America
Reformed Church of France
Reformed Church in Hungary
Reformed Church in the United States
United Reformed Church
United Reformed Churches in North America
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Bible Presbyterian Church
Christ Community Church
Church of Scotland
Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Evangelical Presbyterian Church (United States)
Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales
Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ukraine
Evangelical Presbyterian Church (Australia)
Evangelical Reformed Presbyterian Church
Free Church of Scotland
Free Church of Scotland (Continuing)
Free Presbyterian Church (Australia)
Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland
Free Presbyterian Church of North America
Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster
Greek Evangelical Church
Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church in America
Presbyterian Church in Canada
Presbyterian Church of India
Presbyterian Church in Ireland
Presbyterian Church in Taiwan
Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand
Presbyterian Church of Australia
Presbyterian Church of Brazil
Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia
Presbyterian Church of Korea
Presbyterian Church of Pakistan
Presbyterian Church of Wales (also a Methodist church)
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Presbyterian Reformed Church (Australia)
Presbyterian Reformed Church (North America)
Puritan Evangelical Church of America
Reformed Presbyterian Church General Assembly
Reformed Presbyterian Church – Hanover Presbytery
Reformed Presbyterian Church in the United States
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Australia
Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland
Southern Presbyterian Church (Australia)
United Free Church of Scotland
United Presbyterian Church of North America
Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa
United Presbyterian Church of Pakistan
Upper Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Westminster Presbyterian Church of Australia
Westminster Presbyterian Church in the United States
Conservative Congregational Christian Conference
English Independents
Congregational Federation
Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches
Huguenots (virtually extinct as a modern and distinct group)
National Association of Congregational Christian Churches
United Congregational Church of Southern Africa
Abecedarians (extinct)
Beachy Amish
Nebraska Amish
Old Order Amish
Swartzentruber Amish
Apostolic Christian Church
Alliance of Mennonite Evangelical Congregations
Chortitzer Mennonite Conference
Church of God in Christ, Mennonite (Holdeman Mennonites)
Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches in India
Conservative Mennonite Conference
Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church
Evangelical Mennonite Church
Evangelical Mennonite Conference
Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference
Evangelical Missionary Church
Fellowship of Evangelical Bible Churches (formerly Evangelical Mennonite Brethren)
Markham-Waterloo Mennonite Conference
Mennonite Brethren Churches
Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches
Japan Mennonite Brethren Conference
US Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches
Mennonite Church Canada
Mennonite Church in the Netherlands
Mennonite Church USA
Missionary Church
Old Order Mennonites
Reformed Mennonite
Swiss Mennonite Conference
Church of the United Brethren in Christ
Free Evangelical Churches
Bruderhof Communities
Plymouth Brethren
Exclusive Brethren
Indian Brethren
Kerala Brethren
Open Brethren
River Brethren
Brethren in Christ Church
Old Order River Brethren
United Zion Church
Schwarzenau Brethren
Brethren Reformed Church
Church of the Brethren
Conservative Grace Brethren Churches, International
Dunkard Brethren
Ephrata Cloister
Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches
Old German Baptist Brethren
Old Order German Baptist Brethren
The Brethren Church (Ashland Brethren)
Social Brethren
African Methodist Episcopal Church
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
British Methodist Episcopal Church
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Evangelical Church of the Dominican Republic
Evangelical Methodist Church
First Congregational Methodist Church
Free Methodist Church
Southern Methodist Church
Methodist Church of India
Methodist Church of Ireland
Methodist Church of Singapore
Methodist Church of Fiji and Rotuma
Methodist Church of Great Britain
Methodist Church of Malaysia
Methodist Church of New Zealand
Methodist Church of Southern Africa
Primitive Methodist Church
United Methodist Church
The Wesleyan Church
The Salvation Army
The Church of the Nazarene
Church of God (Anderson)
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Bible Fellowship Church
Christian Baptist Church of God
Christ's Sanctified Holy Church
Church of Christ (Holiness) U.S.A.
Church of God (Guthrie, Oklahoma)
Church of God (Holiness)
Church of God (Restoration)
Deeper Life Bible Church
Missionary Church
United Christian Church
Alliance of Baptists
American Baptist Association
American Baptist Churches USA
Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland
Association of Grace Baptist Churches
Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America
Association of Regular Baptist Churches
Baptist Bible Fellowship International
Baptist Conference of the Philippines
Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec
Baptist Convention of Western Cuba
Baptist General Conference (Sweden)
Baptist General Conference of Canada
Baptist General Convention of Texas
Baptist Missionary Association of America
Baptist Union of Australia
Baptist Union of Great Britain
Baptist Union of New Zealand
Baptist Union of Scotland
Baptist Union of Western Canada
Baptist World Alliance
Black Primitive Baptists
Canadian Baptist Ministries
Canadian Convention of Southern Baptists
Central Baptist Association
Central Canada Baptist Conference
Christian Unity Baptist Association
Conservative Baptist Association
Conservative Baptist Association of America
Continental Baptist Churches
Convención Nacional Bautista de Mexico
Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches
Convention of Baptist Churches of Northern Circars
Council of Baptist Churches in Northeast India
Council of Baptist Churches in Northern India
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
European Baptist Convention
European Baptist Federation
Evangelical Baptist Mission of South Haiti
Evangelical Free Baptist Church
Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada
Free Will Baptist Church
Fundamental Baptist Fellowship of America
General Association of Baptists
General Association of General Baptists
General Association of Regular Baptist Churches
General Conference of the Evangelical Baptist Church, Inc.
General Six-Principle Baptists
Gospel Standard Strict Baptists
Grace Baptist Assembly
Independent Baptist
Independent Baptist Church of America
Independent Baptist Fellowship International
Independent Baptist Fellowship of North America
Interstate & Foreign Landmark Missionary Baptist Association
Landmark Baptist Church
Liberty Baptist Fellowship
Manipur Baptist Convention
Myanmar Baptist Convention
Nagaland Baptist Church Council
National Association of Free Will Baptists
National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.
National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
National Baptist Evangelical Life and Soul Saving Assembly of the U.S.A.
National Missionary Baptist Convention of America
National Primitive Baptist Convention of the U.S.A.
New England Evangelical Baptist Fellowship
Nigerian Baptist Convention
North American Baptist Conference
North Bank Baptist Christian Association
Norwegian Baptist Union
Old Baptist Union
Old Regular Baptist
Old Time Missionary Baptist
Primitive Baptist
Progressive Baptist
Progressive National Baptist Convention
Reformed Baptist
Regular Baptist Churches, General Association of
Regular Baptist
Samavesam of Telugu Baptist Churches
Separate Baptist
Separate Baptists in Christ
Seventh Day Baptist
Southeast Conservative Baptist
Southern Baptist Convention
Southern Baptists of Texas
Sovereign Grace Baptists
Strict Baptists
Two-Seed-in-the-Spirit Predestinarian Baptists
Union d'Églises baptistes françaises au Canada
United American Free Will Baptist Church
United American Free Will Baptist Conference
United Baptist
United Baptist Convention of the Atlantic Provinces
United Free Will Baptist
World Baptist Fellowship
Spiritual Baptist
Catholic Apostolic Church
New Apostolic Church
United Apostolic Church
Old Apostolic Church
Restored Apostolic Mission Church
Assemblies of God
Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee)
Church of God of Prophecy
Apostolic Church (denomination)
Elim Pentecostal Church
New Life Churches
Apostolic Faith Church
Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
Believers Church
Charisma Christian Church
Christ Gospel Churches International
Christian City Churches
Christian Church of North America
Christian Congregation of Brazil
Christian Outreach Centre
Christian Revival Crusade
Church of God (Charleston, Tennessee)
Church of God (Chattanooga)
Church of God (Full Gospel) in India
Church of God (Huntsville, Alabama)
The Church of God (Jerusalem Acres)
Church of God by Faith
The Church of God for All Nations
Church of God, House of Prayer
Church of God in Christ
Church of God Mountain Assembly
Church of God of the Original Mountain Assembly
Church of God of the Union Assembly
Church of God with Signs Following
Church of the Foursquare Gospel
Church of the Little Children of Jesus Christ
Congregational Holiness Church
CRC Churches International
Deeper Life Bible Church
Destiny Church
Evangelical Pentecostal Church of Besançon
Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas
Free Apostolic Church of Pentecost
God is Love Pentecostal Church
Holiness Baptist Association
Indian Pentecostal Church of God
International Circle of Faith
International Pentecostal Church of Christ
International Pentecostal Holiness Church
Mission of Full Gospel - Christian Open Door
Open Bible Standard Churches
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
Pentecostal Church of God
Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church
The Pentecostal Mission
Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch)
Potter's House Christian Fellowship
Redeemed Christian Church of God
Revival Centres International
The Revival Fellowship
United Gospel Tabernacles
United Holy Church of America
Association of Vineyard Churches
Calvary Chapel
Charismatic Episcopal Church
City Harvest Church
Faith Christian Fellowship International
Every Nation
Resurrection Fellowship
Full Gospel
Jesus Army
Ministries of His Glory
Ministries Without Borders
New Frontiers
Sovereign Grace Ministries
Bible Christian Mission
Church on the Rock- International
Local churches
Methodist Church
Destiny Church Groningen
Born Again Movement
New Life Fellowship Association
True Jesus Church
Apostles of Johane Marauke
Christ Apostolic Miracle Ministry
Celestial Church of Christ
Christ Apostolic Church
Church of the Lord (Aladura)
Eternal Sacred Order of Cherubim and Seraphim
Kimbanguist Church
The African Church
Zion Christian Church
China Christian Council
Church of Bangladesh
Church of Pakistan
Church of North India
Church of South India
Evangelical Church in Germany
Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren
Mar Thoma Church
Protestant Church in the Netherlands
St. Thomas Evangelical Church
United Church of Canada
United Church of Christ
United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands
United Church in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands
United Church of Christ in the Philippines
Uniting Church in Australia
Friends United Meeting
Evangelical Friends International
Central Yearly Meeting of Friends
Conservative Friends
Friends General Conference
Beanite Quakerism
Britain Yearly Meeting
Ireland Yearly Meeting
New Foundation Fellowship
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Churches of Christ
Churches of Christ (non-institutional)
Churches of Christ in Australia
Christian churches and churches of Christ
International Churches of Christ (Boston Movement)
Evangelical Christian Church in Canada (Christian
Christian Israelite Church
Adventist Church of Promise
Creation Seventh Day Adventist Church
General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh-Day)
Seventh-day Adventist Church
Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement
Sabbath Rest Advent Church
Branch Davidians
Church of God International (USA)
Church of the Great God
The Intercontinental Church of God
Living Church of God
Philadelphia Church of God
Seventh Day Baptists
Seventh-Day Evangelist Church
Seventh Day Christians - Norway (Syvende dags Kristne)
True Jesus Church
United Church of God
United Seventh-Day Brethren
Advent Christian Church
Church of God General Conference (Abrahamic Faith)
Assemblies of Yahweh
House of Yahweh
Assembly of Yahweh
Congregation of Yahweh UK
Assembly of Yahweh 7th Day
Yahweh's Philadelphia Truth Congregation
Yahweh's Restoration Ministry
British-Israel-World Federation
Revival Centres International
The Revival Fellowship
Church of Jesus Christ-Christian (Aryan Nations)
Kingdom Identity Ministries
LaPorte Church of Christ
The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord
Associated Gospel Churches of Canada (AGC)
Believers' Church in India
Church of Christ, Instrumental (Kelleyites)
Christian Conventions (a.k.a. Two by Twos, The Truth, The Way, etc.)
Cooneyites (not to be confused with Christian Conventions, above)
Eternal Grace
Evangelical Church of West Africa
Evangelical Covenant Church of America ("Swedish Evangelical Mission Covenant")
Evangelical Free Church of Canada
Family International a.k.a. "The Family International", "Family of Love", "The Family"
Fellowship of Fundamental Bible Churches
Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches
Grace Movement Churches
Great Commission Association
Indian Shakers
Jesus Movement
Metropolitan Community Churches
Native American Church
New Frontiers (formerly New Frontiers International)
Schwenkfelder Church
Universal Life
Yehowists (aka Yehowists-Ilyinites, Russian Jehovists
Church of Christ
Church of Christ (Temple Lot) (Hedrickites)
Church of Christ with the Elijah Message
Church of Jesus Christ (Bickertonite)
Church of Jesus Christ (Cutlerite)
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Strangite)
Community of Christ, formerly called Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (RLDS) (largest "Prairie Saint" denomination)
Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Independent RLDS / Restoration Branches
Restoration Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Restored Church of Jesus Christ (Eugene O. Walton)
Apostolic United Brethren
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) – by far the largest Latter Day Saint denomination
Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS)
Latter Day Church of Christ (Kingston Clan)
The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days
Restoration Church of Jesus Christ
Affirming Pentecostal Church International
Gay Apostolic Pentecostals
Apostolic Assemblies of Christ
Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus
Apostolic Brethren
Apostolic Church of Pentecost
Apostolic Gospel Church of Jesus Christ
Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God
Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ
Bible Way Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Churches of Jesus Christ International
Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
United Pentecostal Church International
World Assemblies of Restoration
American Unitarian Conference
Christian Universalist Association
International Council of Unitarians and Universalists
Australian and New Zealand Unitarian Universalist Association
Canadian Unitarian Council
Deutsche Unitarier Religionsgemeinschaft
European Unitarian Universalists
General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches
Unitarian Universalist Association
Unitarian Universalist Society of Spain
Unitarisk Kirkesamfund
Socinianism (extinct as a modern and distinct group)
Polish Brethren (extinct as a modern and distinct group)
Christian Millennial Fellowship
Dawn Bible Students Association
Friends of Man
Jehovah's Witnesses
Laymen's Home Missionary Movement
Pastoral Bible Institute
General Church of the New Jerusalem
Swedenborgian Church of North America
Church of the Blessed Hope
Church of Christ, Scientist
Doukhobors ("Spirit-Wrestlers")
Arian Catholic Church
General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh-Day)
Iglesia ni Cristo
Members Church of God International
Most Holy Church of God in Christ Jesus
Two by Twos ("Christian Conventions")
Unification Church
Universal Alliance
The Way International
Church of Divine Science
The Infinite Way
Religious Science
Unity Church
House of Aaron
Chosen People Ministries
Jews for Jesus
Messianic Israel Alliance
Messianic Jewish Alliance of America
Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations
Union of Nazarene Yisraelite Congregations
International Messianic Jewish Alliance
Anthroposophical Society of Rudolf Steiner
Archeosophical Society of Tommaso Palamidessi
Lectorium Rosicrucianum of Jan van Rijckenborgh/Catharose de Petri
Martinism of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin et al.
Societas Rosicruciana by Masons
The Rosicrucian Fellowship of Max Heindel
Pilgrims of Arès
Rastafari movement
Santo Daime
Evangelical Church of America
Messianic Movement
Did you pick? Remember, there is no heaven for you unless you pick the right one!
Seriously folks, this partial list of exclusionary ministries have one main thing in common, a faulty theology. Hashem is one, and only one. When anyone or anything is placed in-between you have severed the relationship.
Worship the Father and Him only.
There are 38,000 Christian sects with 38,000 Statements of Faith.
There is only One Jewish Statement of Faith.
Judaism recognizes a single creed, the Shema Yisrael, which begins: Deu 6:4 "Sh'ma, Yisra'el! ADONAI Eloheinu, ADONAI echad [Hear, Isra'el! ADONAI our God, ADONAI is one]; (Hebrew: שמע ישראל אדני אלהינו אדני אחד;
transliterated Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad.) It is recited twice daily by all observant Jews, once when waking up, and once when going to bed.
"Hear an alleged tongues and interpretation where "God" says his mercy is gone, he's going to turn against someone(s) in that church and will pour out his wrath that night." @ 9:30 [1]
The necessity of speaking in tongues for salvation? 'UPC'
I strongly encourage any UPC person to check out another web site by a former UPC minister, Lois Gibson. This site has a wealth of information concerning spiritual abuse that can be found in Bible based churches. Go to: Spiritual Abuse: With a Secondary Focus on the United Pentecostal Church.
The following questions were received from:
Name: Sasha Kovac
Message: Hello! I really enjoy your website because I believe in the oneness of God. Jesus is God! I also like your teachings on the name Yahushua. My husband read it and now he tries to use the name Yahushua instead of Jesus. I have one question though. Do you believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Oh, and another question. Do you believe that we also need to follow the law today? Thank you for your time and God Bless!
Thanks Sasha for your inquiry
You ask: “Do you believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues?”
Yes, but with some drastic differences. Firstly, the term “ghost” is a derogatory reference to the Most Holy, Blessed be He. God is not a ghost, but a Sacred Spirit Being. ‘Ghost’ applies more specifically and commonly to a ‘spook’ or phantom. God’s Sacred Spirit fills the heavens of heavens and indwells the souls of those of mankind who let Him in. The result of this indwelling varies from person to person as to the ‘amount’ of this Presence (strong or weak) and the nature or evidence of its Presence. The book of Corinthians ch 13 clearly defines this blessed feature of the “baptism of the Holy Spirit” and clearly contradicts the claims of so many Pentecostal believers that it is an ‘exclusive’ feature given to selected believers with the ‘evidence’ of speaking in tongues’. Let us look at some of these statements, after which one should read the entire chapter in context to define that the real exclusive feature of the Presence of the Holy Spirit in a person is LOVE – and then NOT the type of Love that is generally displayed in this world which gives license to illicit sex, and even murder, as the killer of Sharon Tate declared after knifing her 36 times! 1 Cor. 13:4 defines some traits of this HS Love which is often notably absent in those who insist on “tongues” as the exclusive sign. “Love does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth….”
This Love is eternal, as God is Eternal…. (v8) “…but … prophecies will cease; …tongues will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.”
1 Cor. 1:1 “ If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.”
These “strange tongue for all…”insistent ignore the clear directive given in 1 Cor. 12: 29 “Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 30 Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? 31 Now eagerly desire the greater gifts.” (Love).
Just prior to this, the author takes great care to confirm that:
Verse 4 “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.
7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8 To one (NOT ALL!) there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another (NOT ALL!) a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 to another (NOT ALL!) faith by the same Spirit, to another (NOT ALL!) gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to another (NOT ALL!) miraculous powers, to another (NOT ALL!) prophecy, to another (NOT ALL!) distinguishing between spirits, to another (NOT ALL!) speaking in different kinds of tongues,[a] and to still another (NOT ALL!) the interpretation of tongues.[b] 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.”
Yet, many believers insist that we all should be speaking in tongues.
Now, a teaching which normally goes hand in hand with this, is that “we are no longer under the Law”, that “Being under Law is being under the Curse” … yet many of these believers will testify of the Blessing for paying Tithes (according to the Law of Moses)!
Clearly, something drastic is wrong, apart from the fact of common sense, that God surely cannot rule the World without Law! But, this is a topic too vast to even attempt to answer here. [3]
“And here is where I must speak to the world of the Pentecostal altar. The UPC has such a strong stress on the necessity of speaking in tongues for salvation that an altar service can appear to be a total frenzy. It is common to hear seekers crying and begging God to save them. You can also hear people shouting, "Just say, 'Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,' over and over, real fast." Or, "Say 'hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah' over and over real fast." Some are saying, "Turn loose!" Still others are saying, "Hang on!" The person in the altar is being drawn into an emotionally charged atmosphere.”
This is a series of videos [below] to challenge people to search the scriptures, to see if what they were taught is actually in the Bible. Many of us heard things said over and over, so much so that we started believing the Bible verses were there. Sometimes we neglected to check. Other times we read things into a verse or pieced together passages to make a doctrine.
This video challenges you to see if you can find the phrase in the Bible, "with the evidence of speaking in tongues."
Pagan Origins
So where did the teaching of "Hellfire and damnation" come from?As the Nicene Church was establishing its official doctrines and replacing biblical Messianic Judaism with Catholicism ("Universalism"), it is a well known and easily established fact that they incorporated the teachings of many different religious systems. These early "church fathers" were attempting to establish a new and global political and religious authority in order to control every aspect of human life. Whatever their motives, the Vatican created dogma of eternal torture as a powerful stick to wield against its opponents. [1]
A Jew Debates A Xtian
Act 2:47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. (KJV)
What were they saved from?
Christian apologist Sir Weigall outlines some of the correspondences with Christianity:
“Mithra appears to have lived an incarnate life on earth, and suffered death for the good of mankind, an image symbolizing his resurrection being employed in his ceremonies. Tarsus, home of St. Paul, was one of the great centers of his worship, being the chief city of the Cilicians; and…there is a decided tinge of Mithraism in the Epistles and Gospels. Thus the designations of our Lord as the Dayspring from on High, the Light, the Sun of Righteousness, and similar expressions, are borrowed from or related to Mithraic phraseology…. The words of St. Paul, “They drank of that spiritual rock…and that rock was Christ” are borrowed from the Mithraic sculptures…”Indeed, like Christ, Mithra was considered the remover of sin and disease, the creator of the world, God of gods, the mediator, mighty ruler, king of gods, lord of heaven and earth, Good Shepherd, Sun of Righteousness, etc.Mithra as the Mediator is unquestionably a concept that predated Christianity by centuries, and the deliberate reference to Christ as the Mediator at Hebrews 9:15 is an evident move to usurp Mithra’s position. Concerning the Mediator, CMU relates:The next dogma we shall notice is that of the Savior, or Mediator. This is evidently derived from the Christna of the Hindu trinity, who, as the Redeemer of the human race, was the most important of the three. This personification of the sun seems to have been adopted by the Persian lawgiver, Zoroaster, under the name of Mithra (which still meant Mediator), when he founded the religion of the Mithraics, or worshippers of the sun. According to Plutarch, Zoroaster taught that there existed two principles, one good, and the other evil; the first was called Oromazes, “the ancient of days,” being the principle of good or light; the other, Ahrimanes, was the principle of evil, or cold and darkness. Between these two personified principles, he placed his Mithra, who, as the source of genial heat and life, annually redeems the human race from the power of evil, or cold and darkness. From this beautiful allegory of the sun is derived the Christian dogma of the Saviour, of which proof may be found even amongst the fathers. (See Tertullian, Adv. gentes.)…The similarities between Mithraism and Christianity included their chapels, the term “father” for priest, celibacy and, most notoriously, the December 25th birth date which not of the birth of Jesus, but of the sun-god Mithra. Horus, son of Isis, however, was in very early times identified with Ra, the Egyptian sun-god, and hence with Mithra…Another correspondence is that the Mithraic “Lord’s Day,” like that of other solar cults, was celebrated on Sunday, adopted by Christianity from Paganism. Robertson elucidates various other Mithraic-Christian correspondences:From Mithraism, Christ takes the symbolic keys of heaven and hell and assumes the function of the virgin-born Saoshyant, the destroyer of the Evil One. Like Mithra, Merodach and the Egyptian Khousu, he is the Mediator; like Horus he is grouped with a divine Mother; like Khousu he is joined with the Logos; and like Merodach he is associated with a Holy Spirit, one of whose symbols is fire.[2]
May this help you on your way. Search the roots of your faith. Below is a brief history of the UPCI which formed in 1945.
Blessings! B"H
Blessings! B"H
Video Links:
Christianity without the Cross: A History of Salvation in Oneness Pentecostalism [paperback]
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A study of the doctrine of salvation in the United Pentecostal Church and its immediate historical antecedents with a focus on the Pentecostal Church, Incorporated and prominent ministers such as Goss, Greer, Yadon, Gurley, Jacques, Stairs, Wickens and Paterson.
5.0 out of 5 stars History of Oneness Salvation
By J. Istre
"When people think of the UPC, they immediately think of Holiness Standards, Jesus Name baptism, and Oneness theology. However, it has not always been this easy to describe Oneness people. The United Pentecostal Church (UPC) formed in 1945 with the merger of two organizations: Pentecostal Church, Incorporated (PCI) and the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC). The main difference between the organizations was the interpretation of the New Birth. Both organizations subscribed to Repentance, baptism by immersion in Jesus' name and receiving the Holy Spirit (Ghost) by glossolalia (speaking in tongues, or babbling incoherently). However, the largest faction of PAJC believed this three-step formula was required to enter heaven and avoid hell fire, whereas the PCI largely believed that one was justified at repentance and that water baptism and spirit filled glossolalia were not necessary to avoid hell fire. The merger language was very carefully chosen to bring these two groups together to agree on the fundamental doctrine. The phrase "full salvation" was the magic term that the PAJC interpreted to mean that the three steps were necessary, whereas the PCI position could interpret "full" to mean something more than mere "salvation" which to them was achieved at repentance. "Full salvation" to a PCI was indeed the three-step formula, but not defining for one's eternal destiny. Such was the agreement at the merger that ministers would not contend over this issue to the destruction of the new body called UPC. The problem appears to be that official publications of the UPC do not wish for many to know about the PCI tradition within the organization.
However, there was much contending for their own views, in rebellion against the merger agreement through the years by those who's views were the three-step Acts 2:38 formula or hell fire. As time progressed, this former PAJC faction became increasingly fanatical in their position and began to shove PCI ministers out of leadership positions. An effective propaganda campaign began to convert the PCI strongholds of the Pacific Northwest, the North Atlantic and Tennessee. By the beginning of the 1980's, the PCI position of moderation on the New Birth was effectively destroyed. The fanatics took over the organization and presided over a few purges through the years that reached its climax in 1992 with the Westberg Resolution aimed to kick out ministers that were "weak on the doctrine" which is a code word for those of the old PCI persuasion. Several distinguished men left the organization like Robert Sabin and C. H. Yadon. The official word from the organization was that the 1992 resolution did not affect many people. However, other sources reveal that several thousands of ministers left the organization over this resolution. Fudge shows that this resolution was passed without proper notice beforehand and without proper parliamentary procedure according to the UPC constitution.
The UPC might be called a relatively secretive organization; this book is sure to ruffle the feathers of a few who wish for this information to remain private. Dr. Fudge is a researcher that one must take seriously. There are tons of footnotes and tons of referenced interviews with current and former members. Current leaders of the UPC cannot leave this book in silence. One disturbing fact is that at one point, the UPC headquarters banned Fudge from doing research in their Historical Center in July 2000 unless he turned over his manuscript, the list of all people he contacted for interviews, and his interview tapes. Fudge declined this ridiculous demand and plowed forward with research from other sources.
Fudge also shows that the current interpretation of "Holiness Standards" is a relatively recent development in the organization: the practice of women wearing only dresses, women with uncut hair, and the prohibition of jewelry. Early leaders of the organization had wives with cut hair, jewelry and wore slacks because it was not an issue until later.
Now, the organization is obsessed with a narrow ideology: (1) 'Jesus' is the name of the Father and the Holy Spirit in addition to the name of the Son of God, (2) Jesus Name baptism and evidence of the Holy "Ghost" with speaking in tongues (glossolalia, or babbling under emotional ecstasy) are necessary to avoid hell fire, and (3) Holiness Standards are increasingly necessary to "stay" saved from hell fire. The first is an obvious heresy in Christianity and in some quarters defines this group outside of the definition of "Christian." The second and third are strange developments, although not unique in Christianity, but are indeed things that make this group fringe and largely ineffective. The title of the book comes from evidence that the organization is interested primarily in dunking people under water in Jesus Name baptism, getting them to talk in tongues, and then to move on to the next convert without ever introducing people to the message of Calvary - the Cross. Their message, for the most part and in most cases, is not the gospel, but a misinterpretation Acts 2:38 plus a few things here and there.
This book is a godsend to those of us who might have been part of UPC. It explains many of the strange things that happened over the years, the details of which the leadership wished to keep secret. It is as if Fudge looked at his research material and said to the UPC, "Thou hast been weighed in the balances and have been found wanting." Then he wrote this book as a "balance" to all the propaganda. Anyone thinking of joining the UPC or who might be new to the UPC should read this book to determine if this is a fellowship that a Christian should associate with and then make a proper determination on the merits. Those already UPC might also find this book useful for similar means." [sic]