1. Messianic Judaism Disregards The Authority Of The Sages. [1] (See below) Not all of Messianic Judaism are Christians wrapped in Torah Scrolls. We're different!
3 Reasons Messianic Judaism Is An Artificial Religion
Hebrew Roots
1. Messianic Judaism Disregards The Authority Of The Sages. [1] (See below)
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine published an article last week on parashas Shemini focusing on Nadav and Avihu. About their death he asked, “How could it be that these two great sons of Ahron would err in such a significant way as to deserve the divine punishment of death on this auspicious day?” He answers by citing a story from the Talmud:
Moshe and Ahron were going in the lead, Nadav and Avihu were behind them, and the rest of the Jewish people followed. Nadav and Avihu said, ‘When will these elders die so that we can be the leaders.
Rabbi Rhine reminds us that these two sons of Aharon were holy men who had difficulty controlling their own drives and submitting to a mentor. They wanted to take a shortcut to spirituality in spite of the commands of G-d and the ways of their fathers. Moshe and Aharon were “in the way” of their aspirations to greatness.
Jesus was said to have been found teaching his elders in the Temple as a boy. Whether it really happened or not, it demonstrates his arrogance that many of his followers persist in today. They feel that they have heard from G-d and that He helps them interpret the Bible. If you disagree with them, you are disagreeing with G-d Himself, so they will say.
Like the recent arrogant slander from Pat Robertson, Messianics feel that Jews don’t understand spiritual matters because they don’t believe in Jesus.
2. Messianic Judaism Prefers Shortcuts To Methodical Growth
Their leaders usurp the title “Rabbi” even though they have had no formal training in rabbinics nor have they ever stepped foot inside of an Orthodox Yeshiva. At best they attended a Christian seminary but most simply are “internet educated.” They don’t actually study the Talmud but haphazardly misquote it in their apologetics.

This attitude is also reflected in their leader, Jesus of Nazareth. He chose uneducated men to teach them his view of Judaism. Then he sent these men out, without formal training, to teach other uneducated people–the am haaretz “the common people of the land.” This was the Jesus movement of 2,000 years ago. Jesus despised the learned class and those with authority. He rejected the traditions of the Fathers for his own ideas. His ultimate shortcut to great spiritual heights was his failed messianic aspirations that, in the end, accomplished nothing but led many astray. And so it remains, all those who continue to follow him suffer with an artificial spirituality and an empty religion–and they can’t even detect it until they get out of it.
3. Messianic Judaism Is Based On Intoxication
Rabbi Rhine wrote in his article:
The true spiritualist has a mentor and family, even if it requires him to deal with their views and not ignoring them. Day by day, he strives to serve Hashem in a way that embodies the richness of the old and the innovation of the new…The true spiritualist doesn’t go for the artificial high of intoxication. Instead he follows the methodology of true growth in a life long journey to become all that he was meant to be.
Messianics (who are mostly Gentiles) connect to the outer layers of Jewish observance because of the way it makes them feel. They fool themselves into thinking that because they wrap themselves in a tallis they are pleasing Hashem and this makes them feel good. They hold a siddur and shake their bodies back and forth and “feel Jewish” but are unable to realize that their prayers are in vain because they are saying words that do not belong to them.
They are idolators and true Torah cannot sink in and change them, except for the few who wake up and leave the religion for true Judaism or pursuit of the Noachide path. Jesus too was viewed as a drunkard and a glutton. He connected with people over food and wine and got them caught up in a false spiritual high. Today, Messianics draw Jews in by offering them a false salvation and a “Torah Lite” diet, if you will, “All the cool with half the rules.”
It is a mitzvah to protect Jews from falling into this dangerous pit from the start and it is our responsibility to rescue those Jews who are lost in this messyantic mess. Some simple things you can do to prepare for an encounter with a Messianic is to study resources like
Rabbi Tovia Singer,
Rabbi Michael Skobac or
Rabbi Yisroel Blumenthal.

Rabbi Mordechai Rhine, originally of Monsey, New York, is the Rav of Young Israel of Cherry Hill and the Director of TEACH613™, an organization which promotes Jewish Law and Ethics in the Cherry Hill/ Philadelphia area. Rabbi Rhine holds semicha from Rabbi Berel Wein, and a specialty addendum in marriage law from Rabbi S. M. Katz of Lakewood. He has also received a Masters in Rabbinic and Talmudic Studies, and has been teaching Torah for over 20 years. Rabbi Rhine is the author of a popular book, “The Magic of Shabbos: A Journey Through the Shabbos Experience,” (Judaica Press, 1998) and the producer and presenter of an audio series entitled The Perek Shira Collection, available in stores or atwww.teach613.org.
- Messianics = Christians Wrapped In Torah Scrolls (lehitgayer.com)
- I Am “Standing My Ground” Against Juan Marcos Gutierrez and His Messianics (lehitgayer.com)
- Warning To Messianics: Living Torah Could Make You Leave Jesus!(lehitgayer.com)
- Pat Robertson: Without Jesus, Jews Lack Understanding of the Cosmos (lehitgayernews.wordpress.com)
- Co-written with “Almoni” blogger @2000yeardebate.blogspot.com
Warning To Messianics:
Living Torah Could Make You Leave Jesus!
1. Messianic Judaism Disregards The Authority Of The Sages.But what do we know? We’re just a couple of guys who have lived this article quite literally. So pay attention…there may just be something in here for you.
How do you prevent a viral infection? Give a person a small dose of the virus itself of course. It’s

counter-intuitive but an effective treatment nevertheless. However it only works within key parameters: the antigen must be introduced in such a way as to produce the greatest action and the vaccine must also contain preservatives in the solution to prevent infection in the delivery system.
This is similar to what is happening to Christians who get caught up in the Hebrew Roots movement of Christianity (also called “Messianic Judaism”). The Christian turned “Messianic” gets warned by his Christian and Messianic friends that the
Talmud is dangerous and that the works and teachings of the Rabbis are purely a man-made religion. He is told horror stories of former Messianics who traversed the dangerous waters of Jewish Orthodoxy and as a result rejected Jesus and lost their salvation. As time goes on, and this troubled soul begins practicing more and more authentic Judaism, the “forbidden texts” begin to breathe life into his psyche and feed his intellect for the first time in his search.
Scary Rabbi?
The skepticism and guilt that initially overshadows the joy the Messianic felt when he began to study
Chazal scatters like a dust cloud as he starts to take what he is reading seriously; he realizes that there is something genuine and real to what the Sages are teaching. For a while he still sees Jesus as the focus of this new information, and gets excited when he finds similar teachings to Jesus’ words in the Talmud (Jesus never brought anything new. He merely restated ideas or borrowed statements from other thinkers). But eventually he accepts Jewish precepts that no longer allow him to believe that Jesus is divine. He gives the Christian New Testament a more honest reading and sees that parts of it, especially Paul, but even some of Jesus’ own teachings and behavior, are incompatible with true Judaism. As his identity shifts he begins to accept Judaism on its own terms and not from the distorted, perverted lens of Christianity. From here it is not a far jump for him to realize that Jesus cannot be the Jewish Messiah either. But this process usually only happens if the Christian embraces the teachings of the Sages and starts living by the
Oral Torah–this is the preservative for the antigen.*
But what is the mechanism going on here? Why do so many Messianics who see the validity of the Oral Torah end up rejecting Jesus? A friend of mine who recently left Messianic Judaism, the author of the blog
2000yeardebate.blogspot.com, believes that “Orthodox Messianic Judaism is a gateway drug into pure Orthodox Judaism.” But is this the way it should be?
Albeit healthy when a non-Jewish Messianic comes to see the lies behind Christianity/Messianic Judaism, conversion is not necessarily the most worthwhile step for him at this stage. He only needs to remain faithful to the seven laws given to Noach, as they are the Gentile’s only obligation. He becomes what is called a Noachide. This is a perfectly good place for him to be. He does not need to go any further by converting to Judaism; he is righteous before G-d. He should go on to consult with an Orthodox Rabbi and learn about what his role is as a righteous Gentile in regards to the Torah and Israel.
The resources are sparse, but if he digs and persists he will be rewarded. He should also try to find others like him in order to create a community. The web is beginning to yield resources, but beware–Christian and Messianic pastors and teachers who call themselves
Noachides are still on the prowl proffering advice in hopes of getting donations in exchange for their teachings. But their advice is tainted with idolatry and incorrect theology. A friend recently told me that he had learned on the internet that he could still believe in Jesus and be considered a Noachide. This is absolutely incorrect. Get a real teacher and learn from him.
Tragically, it seems that after some of these former Christian/Messianics have experienced elements of true Judaism, and have touched base with the wisdom and teachings of the Sages of Israel, they will encounter a huge identity crisis. They may feel that being a Noachide is not fulfilling enough. How could they? They felt the divine presence of the Sabbath, experienced a Pesach Seder. They were intrigued by the Gemara’s logic and the consistency of the Talmud, and many learned enough Hebrew and Aramaic to begin to truly learn (all this without a Jewish soul!). Yet, Messianic Jewish leaders have put these Gentiles in this position. It is their fault for these men, women and children could have been thriving just as well spiritually by living according to the wealth and depth of the
Noachide laws. But for self-serving purposes like furthering the “Messianic mission” and deceiving true Jews, the leadership sacrifices these poor Gentiles on the altar of evangelism.
The good news is that those Gentiles who are genuinely better off being Jews can search for Orthodox Rabbis to assist them with this process. We can trust Hashem to draw all the Jewish neshamos back into His service. We can pray that everyone coming out of Messianic Judaism will find their true and proper place in this world.
*Please know that I am not condoning any of this because a non-jew should not learn Oral Torah. I’m just reporting a process that appears to be happening more and more lately.
[1] We are Jews (born and convert) who embrace Derech HaShem Meshiykhiyyim (the authentic Messianic Way of God).
As Jews we are strictly monotheistic and consider Rabbinic Judaism to be our only religion.
As Meshiykhiyyim we affirm that our chief rabbi, Rebbe Y'shua ben Yosef ("Torah teacher Jesus, son of Joseph") the Nazarene is the foretold Messiah of Israel (Isaiah 11:1 etc). As his talmidim we view him in light of Torah (Mathew 5:18). This means that several of our beliefs are different from those of Nicene Christianity. Among these is our firm rejection of the Nicene trinity doctrine and the belief that our rebbe is "God incarnate." HaShem is One (Deuteronomy 6:4). He does not incarnate (Exodus 33:20) as Pagan avatars are believed to do.
שמע ישראל ה 'הוא האלוהים שלנו הוא אחד
Shema Yisrael Adonai Elohaynu Adonai Echad
"Hear Israel, Adonai is our God, Adonai is One"
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