[Anti-Missionaries, want some?...well come get some...I am showing you some of my cards, wanna debate on the radio, you do not believe Yeshua is Messiah....well come on the radio and prove me wrong. Here is your chance and I know there will be ZERO takers (one person said they were adding me on Skype for this debate......and that was over 6 hours ago and no add...hmmm something fishy here)]
[Ok as far as the Anti-Missionaries are concerned, let the dead bury the dead. If they read Scripture they would know the truth and would not have left it, bottom line. I know there are two that are supposed to be "keeping an eye in me" I know who they are and I am gonna prove their fearless leader wrong. I am not gonna do what he is saying I am gonna do....(has to roll eyes over such an assertion)]
Reminds me of this parody except the 'Want some come and get' guy is serious?!
More Messy Messiantics Gone Wild
Courtesy of Aish.com &&&
and people wonder why I ran away from the Nazarene Radio Network and Nazarenespace? Holy Golden Cow, Batman, so this is the result of the juice being served there! Poor kid is gonna crash hard when his eyes are finally open. Why has nobody responded? Who wants this bag of crazy on their resume?